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Electronic Library of Ukrainian Literature |
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Ukrainian Literature in English by Marta Tarnawsky is a comprehensive bibliography of Ukrainian literature in English. This installment covers the years 1966-1979. The entire bibliography consists of the following sections:
R001. A.Iu. Kryms'kyi: bibliohrafichnyi pokazhchyk, 1889-1971. Uklaly K.I. Skokan [et al.] Vid. red. O.Ie. Zasenko. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1972. 166 p.
R001.1 Books Abroad. 47.2 (Spring 1973): 387-388. (Stephan M. Horak).
R002. Adrianova-Perets, Varvara. Slovo o polku Igoreve i pamiatniki russkoi literatury. Leningrad: Nauka, 1968. 200 p.
R002.1 Soviet Literature. 10(256) (1969): 190-191. (Dmitri Moldavsky. "The Lay of Igor's Host and monuments of Russian literature of the 11th-13th centuries" / Varvara Adrianova-Peretz).
R003. Amirian, Seda G. Armiano-ukrainskie literaturnye sviazi: bibliografiia./ Sostavila S.G. Amirian; Akademiia nauk Armianskoi SSR, Institut literatury im. M. Abegiana. Erevan: Izd-vo AN Armianskoi SSR, 1976. 368 p.
R003.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 21.3 (March 1977): 24-25. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina (24 December 1976): 3]. (Oleksandr Bozhko. "Into the treasury of friendship." Digest's title: "Armenian-Ukrainian literary relations classified in new bibliographic guide").
R004. Andriashyk, Roman. "Dodomu nema vorottia". Dnipro. 1 (1969): 35-115.
R004.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 13.10 (October 1969): 14-15. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Zhovten'. 6 (June 1969): 140-142]. (Borys Zahorulko. "A rich harvest". Digest's title: "Novelist praised for portrayal of life in Bukovyna").
R005. Andriashyk, Roman."Poltva". Prapor. 8 (1969): 12-50; 9 (1969): 16-56. pp.]
R005.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 15.1 (January 1971): 4-6. (B. Dudykevych. "The pure sources of themes in the stream of subjectivity"). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Radians'ka Ukraina. (8 December 1970): 2. Digest's title: "Novelist criticized for light minded treatment of Western Ukrainian revolutionary movement"].
R005.2 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 15.3 (March 1971): 15-17. (I. Doroshenko. "What about the position of realism. More on Andriyashyk's novel Poltva"). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (26 January 1971): 3. Digest'stitle: "New salvo against Andriyashyk's Poltva"].
R006. Antolohiia ukrains'koi liryky, chastyna 1 - Do 1919. Ed. by Orest Zilyns'kyi. Oakville, ON: Mosaic Press, 1978. 439 p.
R006.1 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 4.1 (Spring 1979): unnumbered [i.e. p.135] [Annotation-Advertisement].
R006.2 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 4.2 (Fall 1979): unnumbered [.i.e.p.121] [Annotation-Advertisement].
R007. Antolohiia ukrainskoi poezii v Kanadi, 1898- 1973. Comp. Yar Slavutych. Edmonton: Slovo, 1975. 159 p.
R007. 1 Forum. 35 (Spring 1977): 29. (D.B. Chopyk).
R007.2 Ukrainian Quarterly. 34.2 (Summer 1978): 183-185. (Dan B. Chopyk).
R008. Antonych, Bohdan Ihor. Square of Angels. Mark Rudman, Paul Nemser with Bohdan Boychuk, trs. Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1977. xx, 69 p.
R008.1 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 2.2 (Fall 1977): 125-130. (Oleh S. Ilnytzkyj).
R008.2 Library Journal. 102.13 (July 1977): 1501. (Madeline G. Levine).
R008.3 Ukrainian Quarterly. 35.3 (Autumn 1979): 299-300. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R008.4 World Literature Today. 51.4 (Autumn 1977): 645-646. (Vickie Babenko).
R009. Antonych, Bohdan Ihor. Zibrani tvory. Sviatoslav Hordyns'kyi, Bohdan Rubchak, eds. New York: Ukrainian Writers' Association "Slovo", 1967. 400 p.
R009.1 Books Abroad. 42.1 (Winter 1968): 158. (John Fizer).
R010. Asher, Oksana. Draj-Chmara et l'école "néo- classique" ukrainienne. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, Dept. of Slavic Studies, 1975. ii, 324 p. (Readings in Slavic literature, no.11).
R010.1 Books Abroad. 50.1 (Winter 1976): 198-199. (Eugene W. Fedorenko).
R010.2 Ukrainian Quarterly. 31.4 (Winter 1975): 425-426. (Jaroslaw B. Rudnyckyj).
R010.3 Ukrainian Review (London). 21 [i.e.22].4 (Winter 1975): 95-96. (J.B. Rudny kyj).
R011. Aus dem alten Russland: Epen, Chroniken und Geschichten. Hrsg. und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Serge A. Zenkovsky. Übertragen von Hans Baumann (Gedichte) und von Elisabeth Kottmeier (Prosa) unter Mitarbeit von Eaghor G. Kostetzky. München: Carl Hanser [©1968]. 730 p.
R011.1 Slavic and East European Journal. 14.1 (Spring 1970): 95. (Valerie A. Tumins).
R012. Babij, Mychajlo. Shevchenko's Heritage and Our Action for his Stamp. [Cleveland: Publ. by the author, 1968]. 240 p. illus.
R012.1 Forum. 14 (February 1970): 23. (Unsigned).
R013. Barka, Vasyl'. Zemlia sadivnychykh. Munich: Suchasnist, 1977. 190 p.
R013.1 Terem. 6 (1979): 111. (Victor O. Buyniak) (Reprint from World Literature Today).
R013.2 World Literature Today. 51.4 (Autumn 1977): 646. (Victor O. Buyniak).
R014. Bash, Iakiv. Hariachi pochuttia. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1967. 320 p.
R014.1 Books Abroad. 42.2 (Spring 1968): 306-307. (W.T. Zyla).
R015. Bazhan, Mykola. Tvory v chotyriokh tomakh. Tom IV. Statti, narysy. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1975. 398 p.
R015.1 Recenzija. 6.2 (Spring-Summer 1976): 6-16. (Oleh S. Ilnytzkyj).
R016. Bevzo, O.A. Lvivs'kyi litopys i ostroz'kyi litopysets': dzhereloznavche doslidzennia. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1970. 198 p.
R016.1 Recenzija. 3.2 (Spring 1973): 27-44. (Frank Sysyn).
R017. Bida, Constantine. Ioannikii Galiatovs'kyi i ioho "Kliuch Razumeniia". / Konstantyn Bida. Rome: Editiones Universitatis Catholicae Ucrainorum S. Clementis Papae, 1975. civ, 524 p.
R017.1 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 20.4 (December 1978): 591-592. (Irwin R. Titunik). .
R018. Bilyk, Ivan. Mech Areia. Saskatoon, Sask: Ukrainian Canadian Historical Publications, 1977. xiii, 436 p. [check]
R018.1 Forum. 42 (Summer 1979): 33. (Unsigned).
R019. Bloch, Marie Halun. Ukrainian Folk Tales. Tr. by Marie Halun Bloch from the original collections of Ivan Rudchenko and Maria Lukiyanenko. Illus. by J. Hnizdovsky. New York: Coward-McCann, 1964. 76 p. illus.
R019.1 Forum. 1.2 (Spring 1967): 20. (Unsigned).
R020. Borodin, Vasyl.T.H. Shevchenko i tsars'ka tsenzura. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1969.
R020.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 14.8 (August 1970): 17-19. (H. Ya. Nedilko). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Ukrains'ka mova i literatura v shkoli. 3 (March 1970): 84-85. Digest's title: "Shevchenko's experience with censors recalled"].
R021. Boychuk, Bohdan. Mandrivka til. New York: New York Group, 1967. 80 p.
R021.1 Books Abroad. 42.2 (Spring 1968): 307. (John Fizer).
R022. Ein Brunnen für Durstige. Die Ukraine in Erzählungen der besten zeitgenoessischen Autoren. Auswahl und Übersetzung: Anna-Halja Horbatsch. Tübingen: Horst Erdmann, 1970.
R022.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 15.5 (May 1971): 21-24. (V. Lukyanova. "Notes on an anthology"). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Radians'ke literaturoznavstvo. 2 (February 1971): 74-79. Digest's title: "German anthology of Ukrainian prose scored for distortion"].
R022.2 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 15.6 (June 1971): 7-9. (Mykola Zhulyns'kyy. "Held captive by falsehood") [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina (11 May 1971): 4. Digest's title: "Continue attack on German anthology of Ukrainian prose].
R023. Chendei, Ivan. Bereznevyi snih. Kyiv: Molod', 1968. 252 p.
R023.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 13.10 (October 1969): 12-14. (M. Klympotyuk). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Molod' Ukrainy (7 September 1969): 3. "Beyond the truth of history". Digest's title: "Chendey accused of defending religion"].
R024. Cherin', Hanna. Id'mo zi mnoiu. Buenos Aires: Serediak, 1965. 235 p.
R024.1 Books Abroad. 41.1 (Winter 1967): 107-108. (W.T. Zyla).
R025. Chernenko, Oleksandra. Mykhailo Kotsiubyns'kyi - impresionist. New York: Suchasnist', 1977. 143 p.
R025.1 World Literature Today. 52.4 (Autumn 1978): 658. (Philip J. Regier).
R026. Chornovil, Viacheslav. The Chornovil Papers. New York, Toronto, London: McGraw-Hill, 1968. xxi, 246 p.
R026.1 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 12.1 (Spring 1970): 90. (Peter J. Potichnyj).
R026.2 Choice. 7.4 (June 1970): 550. (Unsigned).
R026.3 Forum. 2.2 (Summer 1968): 22. port. (Unsigned)
R026.4 Forum. 24 (1974): 26. (Xenia Antypiw).
R026.5 In Defense of the Ukrainian Cause / Roman Rakhmanny. Ed. by Stephen D. Olynyk. North Quincy, MA: Christopher [©1979]. 136-138. ("The Chornovil Papers and intellectual liberty". Reprinted from The Gazette (Montreal), 27 July 1968).
R026.6 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 26.3 (March 1969): 23. (Marty = Marta Tarnawsky).
R026.7 Problems of Communism. 19.2 (March-April 1970): 39. (Vladimir Petrov. "A voice from the Ukraine").
R026.8 Slavic Review. 29.2 (June 1970): 343-344. (Bohdan Bociurkiw).
R026.9 Soviet Studies. 22.2 (October 1970): 310-311. (V. Swoboda).
R026.10 Ukrainian Quarterly. 25.1 (Spring 1969): 75-77. (Walter Dushnyck).
R027. Chyzhevs'kyi, Dmytro. Abriss der altrussichen Literatur. / Dmitri Tschižewskij. München: Wilhelm Fink, 1968. 152 p. (Forum Slavicum, 9).
R027.1 Slavonic and East European Review. 48.110 (January 1970): 124-126. (Nikolay Andreyev).
R028. Chyzhevs'kyi, Dmytro. Comparative History of Slavic Literatures. /D. Čiževskij. Ed. by Serge A. Zenkovsky. Tr. by Rich. Noel Porter and Martin P.Rice. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1971. xi, 221 p.
R028.1 Canadian-American Slavic Studies. 7.3 (Fall 1973): 422. (George S.N. Luckyj).
R028.2 Choice. 8.10 (December 1971): 1334. (Unsigned).
R029. Chyzhevs'kyi, Dmytro. A History of Ukrainian Literature (from the 11th to the end of the 19th century). / Dmytro Čyževs'kyj. Tr. by Dolly Ferguson, Doreen Gorsline and Ulana Petyk. Ed. and with a foreword by George S. N. Luckyj. Littleton:CO: Ukrainian Academic Press, 1975. xii, 681 p.
R029.1 Books Abroad. 50.3 (Summer 1976): 686. (Eugene W. Fedorenko).
R029.2 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 19.1 (March 1977): 114-115. (Jaroslav Rozumnyj).
R029.3 Choice. 13. 5/6 (July/August 1976): 671. (Unsigned).
R029.4 Forum. 31 (Spring 1976): 31. (Unsigned, photo of Luckyj).
R029.5 Modern Language Journal. 61.5-6 (September-October 1977): 300-301. (John Fizer).
R029.6</b> Russian Review. 36.2 (April 1977): 234-235. (Irena F. Szwede).
R029.7 Slavic Review. 36.2 (June 1977): 355-357. (Dmytro M. Shtohryn).
R029.8 Slavonic and East European Review. 57.3 (July 1979): 418-420. (Victor Swoboda).
R030. Chyzhevs'kyi, Dmytro. Skovoroda: Dichter, Denker, Mystiker. / Dmitrij Tschižewskij. Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 1974. 233 p. (Harvard series in Ukrainian studies, v.18).
R030.1 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 18.1 (March 1976): 91-92. (Petro B.T. Bilaniuk).
R030.2 Slavic Review. 34.3 (September 1975): 624-625. (Richard Hantula).
R031. Čiževska, Tatjana. Glossary of the Igor Tale. The Hague: Mouton, 1966. 405 p. (Slavistic printings and reprintings, 53).
R031.1 Slavic and East European Journal. 11.3 (Fall 1967): 345-346 (Edward Stankiewicz).
R032. Cooper, Henry R., Jr. The Igor Tale: an Annotated Bibliography of 20th century Non-Soviet Scholarship on the Slovo o polku Igoreve. White Plains, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe; London: Mansell, 1978. 130 p. (Columbia Slavic studies).
R032.1 Modern Language Review. 74.4 (October 1979): 1006-1007. (W.F. Ryan).
R032.2 Russian Review. 38.3 (July 1979): 407. (Valerie A. Tumins).
R032.3 Slavic and East European Journal. 23.3 (Fall 1979): 395-396. (George A. Perfecky).
R033. Do novykh vysot;materialy Ob'iednanoho plenumu pravlin' tvorchykh spilok i tovarystv Ukrains'koi RSR, traven' 1974 r. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1974. 265 p. illus., ports.
R033.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 18.12 (December 1974): 16. (RATAU. "Contemporaneity - our principal theme"). [Full text. Ukrainian original in Radians'ka Ukraina. (5 November 1974): 3. Digest's title: "Publish materials from May creative unions plenum"].
R034. Dovhyi, O. Uliublenyi virsh. / O. Dovhyy, comp. Kyiv: Radians'kyi pys'mennyk, 1975. 171 p.
R034.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 21.3 (March 1977): 22. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (4 January 1977): 3]. (Oleksandr Sharvarok. "A needed anthology." Digest's title: "Issue anthology of favorite poems").
R035. Dovzhenko, Oleksandr. Alexander Dovzhenko: The Poet as Filmmaker./ Alexander Dovzhenko. Ed., tr. and with an introd. by Marco Carynnyk. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press [©1973]. lv, 323 p. port.
R035.1 Books Abroad. 48.4 (Autumn 1974): 813. (Ihor Levitsky).
R035.2 Canadian-American Slavic Studies. 9.3 (Fall 1975): 387-388. (George S.N. Luckyj).
R035.3 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 16.3 (Autumn 1974): 497-499. (Jan Uhde).
R035.4 Forum. 25 (1974): 26. (Unsigned, port.)
R035.5 Problems of Communism. 25.5 (September-October 1976): 70-78. (Joseph Skvorecky. "The artist's fight for freedom". [a group review of four books].
R035.6 Slavic Review. 34.3 (September 1975): 663-664. (Marta Tarnawsky).
R036. Dovzhenko, Oleksandr. Ia prinadlezhu k lageriu poeticheskomu... Statti, vystupleniia, zametki. Sostavitel' sbornika Iu.I. Solntseva. Moskva: Sovetskii pisatel', 1967. 403 p. illus.
R036.1 Soviet Film. 6 (133) (June 1968): 33. (Unsigned).
R037. Dovzhenko, Oleksandr. Sobranie sochinenii. t.2. Moskva: Iskustvo, 1967. 616 p.
R037.1 Soviet Film. 6 (133) (June 1968): 33. (Unsigned).
R038. Drach, Ivan. Orchard Lamps. Stanley Kunitz, ed. Jacques Hnizdovsky, ill. New York: Sheep Meadow, 1978. vii, 71 p.
R038.1 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 4.1 (Spring 1979): 104-108. (M.C. = Marco Carynnyk).
R038.2 World Literature Today. 53.2 (Spring 1979): 318. (Victor O. Buyniak).
R039. Drach, Ivan. Soniachnyi feniks. Kyiv: Molod, 1978. 157 p.
R039.1 Ukraine. 2(38) (1979): 9. (Unsigned, illus., port).
R040. Drahomanov, Mykhailo. Literaturno- publitsystychni pratsi. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1970. 2 v.
R040.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 14.9 (September 1970): 16. (V. Holovenets. "From the heritage of a scientist"). [Full text. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (17 July 1970): 2. Digest's title: "Publish Drahomanov's essays"].
R040.2 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 16.2 (February 1972): 17-20. (Volodymyr Mel'nyk. "A meeting with Drahomanov"). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Dnipro 9 (September 1971): 146-149. Digest's title: "Drahomanov's essays published in two volumes"].
R041. Drevnerusskaia literatura: khrestomatiia. Comp. A.L. Zhovtis. Moskva: Vyshshaia shkola, 1966. 346 p.
R041.1 Slavic Review. 29.3 (September 1970): 551-553. (Richard H. Marshall, Jr.)
R042. Drobniak, Mykhailo. Smuhy svitla. Priashiv: 1969. 72 p.
R042.1 Books Abroad. 44.2 (Spring 1970): 334-335. (John Fizer).
R043. Dudko, Fedir. Moia molodist'. Jersey City, N.J. : Svoboda, 1965. 87 p.
R043.1 Books Abroad. 41.2 (Spring 1967): 238. (W.T. Zyla).
R044. Dziuba, Ivan. Internationalism or Russification? A Study in the Soviet Nationalities Problem. / Ivan Dzyuba. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1968. xx, 240 p.
R044.1 Forum. 2.2 (Summer 1968): 23. (Unsigned).
R044.2 In Defense of the Ukrainian Cause / Roman Rakhmanny. Ed. by Stephen D. Olynyk. North Quincy, MA: Christopher [©1979]. 139-141. ("Ukrainian writer Dzyuba criticizes Russification". Reprinted from The Gazette (Montreal), 4 October 1968).
R044.3 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 27.1 (January 1970): 27. (Marty). [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R044.4 Problems of Communism. 18.6 (November-December 1969): 63-64. (Stephen D. Olynyk. "A voice from the Ukraine").
R044.5 Promin'. 9.12 (December 1968): 15-16. (Roman Rakhmanny. "Ukrainian writer Dzyuba condems Russification. Reprint from The Gazette(Montreal), (4 October 1968).
R044.6 Soviet Studies. 21.1 (July 1969): 101-103. (J.A. Newth).
R044.7 Ukrainian Quarterly. 24.3 (Autumn 1968): 270-272. (Walter Dushnyck).
R045. Fedorenko, Ievhen. Stylevi shukannia Mykhaila Kotsiubyns'koho. Toronto: Moloda Ukraina, 1975. 57 p.
R045.1 Mitteilungen (Arbeits- und Förderungsgemeinschaft der ukrainischen Wissenschaften, München). 14 (1977): 223-224. (Dan B. Chopyk).
R045.2 Slavic and East European Journal. 22.3 (Fall 1978): 393-394. (Natalia Pazuniak).
R045.3 Ukrainian Quarterly. 33.1 (Spring 1977): 77. (Oxana Asher).
R045.4 World Literature Today. 51.2 (Spring 1977): 302-303. (Dan B. Chopyk).
R046. Fennell, John. Early Russian Literature. / John Fennell & Anthony Stokes. California, 1974. 295 p.
R046.1 Choice. 11.9 (September 1974): 1315-1316. (Unsigned).
R047. Filosofiia Hryhoriia Skovorody. / AN Ukr.SSR. Instytut filosofii. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1972. 311 p.
R047.1 Recenzija. 4.2 (Spring-Summer 1974): 3-13. (John Paul Himka).
R048. The Flying Ship and other Ukrainian Folk Tales. Tr. by Victoria Symchych and Olga Vesey. Illus. by Peter Kuch. Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1975. 93 p. illus.
R048.1 Forum. 29 (1975): 25. (Unsigned).
R049. Folk Heroes of Ukraine.Tr. and adapted from Ukrainian by Mary Skrypnyk. Illus. by O. Danchenko. Toronto: Ukrainian Canadian, 1966. 52 p.
R049.1 Forum. 1.3 (Fall 1967): 24. (Unsigned).
R050< /b>. Four Ukrainian Poets: Drach, Korotych, Kostenko, Symonenko.Tr. by Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak and Danylo S. Struk. Ed. with an introd. by George S.N. Luckyj. [n.p.]: Quixote, 1969. 83 p. ports.
R050.1 Forum. 26 (1974): 23. (Unsigned).
R050.2 Slavic and East European Journal. 14.3 (Fall 1970): 396. (Borys Bilokur).
R050.3 Ukrainian Quarterly. 27.4 (Autumn [sic] 1971): 410-411. (Walter Dushnyck).
R051. Franko, Ivan. Do svitla: opovidannia. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1976. 384 p.
R051.1 World Literature Today. 52.1 (Winter 1978): 142. (Victor O. Buyniak).
R052. Franko, Ivan. Fox Mykyta.Tr. by Bohdan Melnyk, illus. by William Kurelek. Montreal: Tundra Books, 1978. 148 p.
R052.1 Forum. 41 (Spring 1979): 33. (Unsigned; illus.)
R052.2 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 4.2 (Fall 1979): 105-107. (Nadia Odette Diakun).
R053. Franko, Ivan. Moisei. George Y. Shevelov, ed. New York: Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U.S., 1969. 160 p. ill.
R053.1 Books Abroad. 44.3 (Summer 1970): 508. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R054. Franko, Ivan. Stories. Comp. and introduced by Yevhen Kirilyuk. [Ed. by Anatole Bilenko. Kyiv:] Mistetstvo, 1972. 163 p. port.
R054.1 Forum. 26 (1974): 22. (Unsigned, port.).
R054.2 Ukrainian Canadian. 24.248 (41) (June 1972): 19. (Unsigned).
R055. Franko, Ivan. Zibrannia tvoriv u piatdesiaty tomakh. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1976-1977. vols.1-10.
R055.1 World Literature Today. 53.1 (Winter 1979): 146-147. (Marta Tarnawsky).
R056. Fylypovych, Pavlo. Literatura: statti, rozvidky, ohliady. New York: UVAN, 1971. 581 p. illus.
R056.1 Nationalities Papers. 2.2 (Autumn 1974): 84-85. (Dmytro M. Shtohryn).
R057. Gröschel, Bernhard. Die Sprache Ivan Vyšens'kys: Untersuchungen und Materialien zur historischen Grammatik des Ukrainischen. Köln: Böhlau, 1972, xi, 384 p. (Slavistische Forschungen, 13).
R057.1 Slavic and East European Journal. 17.4 (Winter 1973): 491-492. (Horace G. Lunt).
R058. Gudzii, Mykola. History of Early Russian Literature./ Nikolai Gudziy. 2d ed. Tr. by Susan Wilbur Jones. Octagon, 1970 (orig. pub. by Am. Council of Learned Societies, 1949). 545 p.
R058.1 Choice. 7.9 (November 1970): 1236. (Unsigned).
R059. Halan, Anatol'. Zhyttia. Buenos Aires: Serediak, 1976. 126 p.
R059.1 World Literature Today. 52.4 (Autumn 1978): 658-659. (Natalia I. Pazuniak).
R060. Halyts'ko-volyns'kyi litopys. The Galician-Volynian Chronicle. An annotated translation by George A. Perfecky. München: Wilhelm Fink, 1973. 159 p. (Harvard series in Ukrainian studies, v.16. The Hypatian Codex, pt.2).
R060.1 Slavic and East European Journal. 21.2 (Summer 1977): 277-278. (S.C. Gardiner).
R060.2 Slavic Review. 33.4 (December 1974): 769-771. (Daniel Clarke Waugh).
R060.3 Slavonic and East European Review. 53.130 (January 1975): 106-107. (A. Vlasto).
R061. Handbuch zur Nestorchronik. Ludolf Müller, ed. München: Wilhelm Fink, 1977. viii, 580 p.; xix, 878 p.; xxv, 240 p. (Forum Slavicum, 48, 49, 50).
R061.1 Slavic and East European Journal. 23.2 (Summer 1979): 262-263. (Tatjana Cizevska).
R061.2 Slavonic and East European Review. 57.1 (January 1979): 123-124. (John Fennell).
R062. Holod, Mariia. Chotyry pory roku: poezii, 1972-1976. New York: Suchasnist, 1978. 128 p.
R062.1 World Literature Today. 53.4 (Autumn 1979): 710. (Vickie Babenko-Woodbury).
R063. Holovko, Andrii. The Weeds. Tr. by Anatole Bilenko. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1976. 206 p.
R063.1 Ukraine. 4(28) (1976): 27. (Unsigned, illus.)
R064. Holubieva, Zinaida. Ukrains'kyi radians'kyi roman 20-kh rokiv. Kharkiv: Vyd-vo Kharkivs'koho universytetu, 1967. 214 p.
R064.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 12.1 (January 1968): 15-17. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Radians'ka Ukraina (8 December 1967): 2]. (Oleh Kylymnyk. "Research with reservations").
R065. Honchar, Oles. The Cyclone. / Oles Gonchar. Moscow: Progress, 1972. 321 p. (Soviet novels series).
R065.1 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 31.9 (October 1974) 20-21. (Marty) [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R066. Honcharenko, Ahapiius. Spomynky. Edmonton: Slavuta, 1965. 19 p.
R066.1 Books Abroad. 40.3 (Summer 1966): 356-357. (W.T. Zyla).
R067. Horbatsch, Olexa. Die vier Ausgaben der kirchenslavischen Grammatik von M. Smotryc'kyj. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1964. 63 p. (Abhandlungen zur Slavistik, Bd.7. Osteuropastudien der Hochschulen des Landes Hessen, Reihe III).
R067.1 Slavonic and East European Review. 46.107 (July 1968): 495-497. (Veronica M. Du Feu).
R068. Horlach, Leonid. Magistral' vieka. / Leonid Horlach & Stanislav Telniuk. Kyiv: Molod', 1975.
R068.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 19.5 (March 1975): 11-13. (Marharyta Malynovs'ka. "The gateway to the Northern spring". Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Kultura i zhyttia. (6 March 1975): 2.) Digest's title: "Narrative about Siberian railroad praised"].
R069. Hres'ko, M. T.H. Shevchenko frantsuz'koiu movoiu, 1847-1967. Bibliohrafichnyi pokazhchyk. Lviv: Lvivs'ka naukova biblioteka, 1967. 43 p.
R069.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 11.11 (November 1967): 19-20. [Full text. Original in Ukrainian in Literaturna Ukraina. (15 September 1967) (Hryhoriy Kochur "Bibliography of the translations of and materials on Shevchenko")]
R069.2 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 12.4 (April 1968): 16-17. Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (8 March 1968): 2. (O. Markevych "Bibliography of French Shevchenkiana").
R070. Humenna, Dokia. Blahoslovy, maty. New York: Slovo, 1966. 274 p.
R070.1 Mitteilungen (Arbeits- und Förderungsgemeinschaft der ukrainischen Wissenschaften, München). 16 (1979): 277-279. (Wolodymyr T. Zyla).
R071. Humenna, Dokia. Mynule plyve v pryideshnie: rozpovid' pro Trypillia. New York: Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U.S., 1978. 384 p.
R071.1 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 4.2 (Fall 1979): 98-101. (Roman Zurba).
R072. Humenna, Dokia. Zolotyi pluh. New York: Slovo, 1968. 289 p.
R072.1 Books Abroad. 44.1 (Winter 1970): 156. (W.T. Zyla).
R073. Hurnyts'kyi, K.I. Kryms'kyi iak istoryk. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1971. 182 p.
R073.1 Recenzija. 3.2 (Spring 1973): 50-57. (Orest Subtelny).
R074. Hutsalo, Ievhen. "Dvoie na sviati kokhannia; povist'." Vitchyzna. 6 (June 1973). 19-88.
R074.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 17.9 (September 1973): 11-14. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina (7 August 1973): 3]. (L. Sanov. "One's own life and someone else's... Reflections on a novel". Digest's title: "Hutsalo scored for depicting an 'intellectual' philistine in latest work.")
R075. Hutsalo, Ievhen. Khustyna shovku zelenoho. Kyiv. 1966.
R075.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 11.4 (April 1967): 19-22. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (24 February 1967): 1-2]. (Yevhen Adelheim).
R076. Hutsalo, Ievhen. A Prevision of Happiness and Other Stories / Yevgen Gutsalo. Moscow: Progress, 1974. 205 p.
R076.1 Books Abroad. 50.1 (Winter 1976): 202. (M. Tarnawsky).
R077. Hutsalo, Ievhen. "Mertva zona; povist'". Vitchyzna. 1 (1967): 47-95.
R077.1 Soviet Literature. 4 (238) (1968): 183-184. (Anatoli Shevchenko).
R078. Hutsalo, Ievhen & Rostyslav Sambuk. Shchaslyva rodyna. Kyiv: Radians'kyi pys'mennyk, 1976.
R078.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 21.3 (March 1977): 22-24. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (28 January 1977): 2]. (Vitaliy Donchyk. "Internationalism as the language of life." Digest's title: "Novel presents Soviet society as 'happy family'.")
R079. I zemlia ikh ne pryime. M. Dubyna, comp. Kyiv: Radians'kyi pys'mennyk, 1973.
R079.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 18.3 (March 1974): 14-15. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Radians'ka Ukraina. (9 January 1974): 3. (Valentyn Rechmedin. "The poetry of anger and struggle". Digest's title: "Review poetry anthology attacking 'Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists"].
R079.2 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 18.3 (March 1974): 15-16. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (22 January 1974): 3. (Yakiv Biloshtan. "And the earth shall reject them"). Digest'stitle as above].
R080. Iarmysh, Iurii. U sviti kazky: literaturno- krytychnyi narys. Kyiv: Radians'kyi pys'mennyk, 1975. 141 p.
R080.1 Phaedrus. 4.1 (Spring 1977): 32. (Vladimir Alexandrov).
R081. Invincible Spirit: art and poetry of Ukrainian women political prisoners in the USSR. Album design by Taras B. Horalewskyj. Poetry and text tr. by Bohdan Yasen. Baltimore: Smoloskyp, 1977. 136 p. illus., part col., ports.
R081.1 Forum. 37 (Fall 1977): 34. (Unsigned).
R081.2 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 35.6 (June 1978): 20. (Ludmila Kaninga-Golad).
R081.3 Ukrainian Quarterly. 33.4 (Winter 1977): 402-403. (Walter Dushnyck).
R081.4 Zhinochyi svit=Woman's World. 29.1 (330 [sic, i.e.29.2 (331)] (February 1978): 22-23. (Vera N. Marchuk).
R082. Isaievych, Iaroslav. Bratstva ta ikh rol' v rozvytku ukrains'koi kul'tury XVI-XVIII st. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1966. 248 p.
R082.1 Recenzija. 1.1 (Fall 1970): 3-12. (Lubomyr Hajda).
R083< /b>. Isaievych, Iaroslav. Pershodrukar Ivan Fedorov i vynyknennia drukarstva na Ukraini. Lviv: Vyshcha shkola, 1975. 152 p.
R083.1 Recenzija. 8 (1977-1978): 1-16. (Robert Mathiesen).
R084. Istoriia ukrains'koi literatury u vos'my tomakh. Ed. by Ie.P. Kyryliuk. ANURSR, Instytut literatury im. T.H. Shevchenka. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1967-1968. v.1-3, 5.
R084.1 Slavic Review. 29.1 (March 1970): 145-146. (George S.N. Luckyj).
R085. Istoriia ukrains'koi radians'koi literatury. B.S. Buriak, red. Kyiv: Akademiia nauk Ukrainskoi RSR. Instytut literatury im. T.H. Shevchenka, 1965. 863 p.
R085.1 Books Abroad. 40.4 (Autumn 1966): 483. (John Fizer).
R086. Istoriia ukrainskoi literatury; kratkii kurs. Posobie dlia studentov-filologov po literature narodov SSSR. / Okhrimenko,P.P., Pilhuk, Ivan, Shlapak, Dmytro. Moskva: "Prosveshchenie", 1970. 520 p.
R086.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 16.1 (January 1972): 15-16. (Iv. Duz'. "A needed and valuable handbook"). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Prapor (8 August 1971):96-97. Digest's title: "Publish Ukrainian literary history handbook in Russian"].
R087. Ivanychuk, Roman. Mal'vy:istorychnyi roman. Kyiv: Radians'kyi pys'mennyk, 1969. 235 p.
R087.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 14.4 (April 1970): 7-8. (N. Ravlyuk. "A historical novel without history". [Excerpts. Original in Pravda Ukrainy (7 February 1970): 4. Digest's title: "Author criticized for not showing union between Ukraine and Russia"].
R088. Izars'kyi, Oleksa. Poltava. New York: Suchasnist', 1977. 432 p.
R088.1 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 20.4 (December 1978): 590-591. (Marta Tarnawsky).
R088.2 World Literature Today. 52.2 (Spring 1978): 311. (J. B. Rudnyckyj).
R089. Jedrzejewicz, Jerzy. Noce ukrai skie, albo rodowód geniusza. Opowie o Szewczence. Warszawa: LSW, 1966.
R089.1 Canadian Slavic Studies. 1.3 (Fall 1967): 516-518 (W. Besoushko).
R090. Kabrzhytskaia, T.V. Karani druzhby: belaruska-ukrainskiia literaturnyia uzaemasuviazi pachatku XX st./Kabrzhytskaia, T.V. & V.P. Rahoisha. Minsk: BDU, 1976. 253 p.
R090.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 21.4 (April 1977): 18. [Full text. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (1 February 1977): 2] (Ivan Khlanta. "A solid work". Digest's title: "Publish monograph on Byelorussian-Ukrainian literary relations.")
R091. Kachurovs'kyi, Ihor. Because Deserters Are Immortal. / Igor Kaczurowsky. Tr. by Yuri Tkach. Doncaster, Australia: Bayda Books, 1979. 141 p.
B091.1 Mitteilungen (Arbeits- und Förderungsgemeinschaft der ukrainischen Wissenschaften, München). 16 1979): 290-291. (Caroline Egerton. Reprinted from The Age (Melbourne) 1.9.1979).
R092. Kalynets', Ihor. Koronuvannia opudala. New York: New York Group, 1972. 64 p.
R092.1 Nationalities Papers. 2.2 (Autumn 1974): 85-87. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R093. Kalynets', Ihor. Pidsumovuiuchy movchannia. Munich: Suchasnist, 1971. 92 p.
R093.1 Nationalities Papers. 2.2 (Autumn 1974): 85-87. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R094. Kalynets', Ihor. Poezii z Ukrainy. Bruxelles: Literatura i mystetstvo, 1970. 126 p.
R094.1 Nationalities Papers. 2.2 (Autumn 1974): 85-87. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R095. Khrestomatiia z ukrains'koi literatury XX storichchia. Ed. by Eugene W. Fedorenko and Pavlo Maliar. New York: Shkilna Rada, 1978. 432 p.
R095.1 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 4.2 (Fall 1979): 101-105. (Romana Bahrij Pikulyk).
R096. Khropko. Petro. Ivan Kotlyarevsky, 1769- 1838. Tr. by John Weir. Kiev: Mistetstvo, 1969. 29 p. illus.
R096.1 Forum. 17 (Summer 1971): 25. (Unsigned annotation).
R097. Khrusanova, Vesela. Ukrainska suvetska khudozhestvena literatura i literaturna kritika v Bulgariia, 1917-1974.Symeon Rusakiyev, ed. Sofiia: Sofiiski universitet, Univ. biblioteka, 1974. 251 p.
R097.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 20.1 (January 1976): 25. [Full text. Ukrainian original in Visti z Ukrainy 47 (900) (November 1975): 7]. (Lyubym Kopylenko. "A fundamental reference work". Digest's title: "Bibliography of Ukrainian works published in Sofia").
ZZZZ R098. Khvylovyi, Mykola. Stories From the Ukraine. / Mykola Khvylovy. Tr. with an introd. by George S.N. Luckyj. New York: Philosophical Library, 1960. 234 p.
R098.1 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 24.7 (July-August 1967): 24. (Marty) [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R099. Khvylovyi, Mykola. Tvory u piat'okh tomakh. v.1. Hryhorii Kostiuk, ed. Baltimore: Smoloskyp, 1978. 436 p. illus.
R099.1 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 4.1 (Spring 1979): 111-113. (Nadia Odette Diakun).
R099.2 World Literature Today. 53.3 (Summer 1979): 526. (Marta Tarnawsky).
R100. Klein, Joachim. Zur Struktur des Igorliedes. München: R. Trofenik, 1972. xxxii, 191 p. (Slavistische Arbeiten, Bd.2).
R100.1 Slavic and East European Journal. 20.4 (Winter 1976): 465-466. (Henry R. Cooper).
R100.2 Slavic Review. 36.2 (June 1977): 344-345. (Jack V. Haney).
R101. Klymasz, Robert B. An Introduction to the Ukrainian-Canadian Immigrant Folksong Cycle. Ottawa: Information Canada, 1970. 156 p. (Bulletin no.234. Folklore series, no.8).
R101.1 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 14.2 (Summer 1972): 364-365. (V.J. Kaye).
R102. Klymasz, Robert B. The Ukrainian Winter Folksong Cycle in Canada. Ottawa: Information Canada, 1970. 156 p. (Bulletin no. 236. Folklore series no.9).
R102.1 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 14.2 (Summer 1972): 364-365. (V.J. Kaye).
R103. Kolasky, John. Education in Soviet Ukraine: a Study in Discrimination and Russification. Toronto: Peter Martin, 1968. 238 p.
R103.1 Canadian Slavic Studies. 2./2 (Summer 1968): 281-282. (P.J. Potichnyj).
R103.2 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 12.3 (Fall 1970): 353-357. (D. Dorotich).
R103.3 Forum. 2.2 (Summer 1968): 23. (Unsigned).
R103.4 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 26.10 (November 1969): 27. (Marty) [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R103.5 Slavic Review. 28.3 (September 1969): 503-504. (John A. Armstrong).
R103.6 Ukrainian Quarterly. 24.4 (Winter 1968): 369-371. (Frank Sysyn).
R104. Kolasky, John. Two Years in Soviet Ukraine. Toronto: Peter Martin [©1970] xii, 264 p.
R104.1 Slavic Review. 31.1 (March 1972): 172-175. (John S. Reshetar, Jr.)
R104.2 Soviet Studies. 23.1 (July 1971): 162-164. (V. Swoboda).
R104.3 Ukrainian Quarterly. 26.2 (Summer 1970): 198-200. (Walter Dushnyck).
R105. Koordynaty. Bohdan Boychuk, Bohdan Rubchak, eds. Munich: Suchasnist, 1969. 2 v.
R105.1 Books Abroad. 44.3 (Summer 1970): 507-508. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R106. Kopylenko, L. Na svitovykh obshyrakh. / Ed. R. Sambuk. Kyiv: Radians'kyi pys'mennyk, 1971.
R106.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 15.12 (December 1971): 12-14. (Stanislav Tel'nyuk. "Overcoming distances"). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Vitchyzna. 9 (September 1971): 213-215. Digest's title: "International contacts of Ukrainian literature"].
R107. Korotych, Vitalii. Perevtilennia. Kyiv. 1971.
R107.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 18.9 (September 1974): 12-14. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (26 July 1974): 3]. (Mykola Dubyna, "Of what sings the poet?")
R108. Korotych, Vitalii. Poezii. Lyiv: Molod', 1967. 183 p.
R108.1 Books Abroad. 42.2 (Spring 1968): 307-308. (John Fizer).
R109. Korotych, Vitalii. Shchodennyk. Kyiv. 1973.
R109.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 18.9 (September 1974): 12-14. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (26 July 1974): 3]. (Mykola Dubyna, "Of what sings the poet?")
R110. Korotych, Vitalii. Zapakh neba: stikhi. Tr. by Naum Korzhavin and Yunna Morits. Moscow: Sovetskii pisatel, 1969. 88p.
R110.1 Soviet Literature. 2(263) (1970) 190-191. (Alla Muravyova. "Fragrance of the sky" / Vitali Korotich).
R111. Kosach, Iurii. Zoloti vorota. New York: Novi obrii, 1966. 47 p.
R111.1 Books Abroad. 42.2 (Spring 1968): 308. (Mykola Stepanenko).
R112. Kosach-Kryvyniuk, Ol'ha. Lesia Ukrainka: khronolohiia zhyttia i tvorchosty. Petro Odarchenko, red. New York: Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the USA, 1970. 923 p.
R112.1</b> Books Abroad. 45.3 (Summer 1971): 540. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R113. Kosiachenko, Viktor. Ukrains'ka radians'ka baika: literaturno-krytychnyi narys. Kyiv: Radians'kyi pys'mennyk, 1972. 238 p.
R113.1 Recenzija. 4.1 (Fall-Winter 1973): 23-33. (Assya Humesky).
ZZZZZ ZZZR114. Kostiuk, Hryhorii. Okaianni roky: Vid Lukianivs'koi tiurmy do Vorkuts'koi trahedii (1935-1940 rr). Toronto: Dialoh, 1978. 165 p.
R114.1 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 3.2 (Fall 1978): 99-100. (James E. Mace).
R114.2 World Literature Today. 53.2 (Spring 1979): 318-319. (Marta Tarnawsky).
R115. Kostiuk, Hryhorii. Stalinist Rule in the Ukraine: a study of the decade of mass terror, 1929-39. New York: Praeger for the Institute for the Study of the USSR, 1961. 162 p.
R115.1 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 25.6 (June 1968): 20. (Marty) [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R116. Kotliarevs'kyi, Ivan. Eneida. M.V. Sydorenko, ed. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1968. 305 p.
R116.1 Recenzija. 1.1 (Fall 1970): 13- 17. (Omry Ronen).
R117. Kotliarevs'kyi, Ivan. Povne zibrannia tvoriv. Ie.S. Shabliovs'kyi, ed. Intro. by Ie.S. Shabliovs'kyi and B.A. Derkach. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1969. 512 p.
R117.1 Recenzija. 1.1 (Fall 1970): 13- 17. (Omry Ronen).
R118. Kotliarevs'kyi, Ivan. Sochineniia. Intro. and annotation by I. Aizenshtok. Leningrad: Sovetskii pisatel, 1969. 361 p.
R118.1 Recenzija. 1.1. (Fall 1970): 13- 17. (Omry Ronen).
R119. Kotliarevs'kyi, Ivan. Tvory u dvokh tomakh. Intro. by Ie.P. Kyryliuk. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1969. 2v.
R119.1 Recenzija. 1.1. (Fall 19700; 13- 17. (Omry Ronen).
R120. Kotsiubyns'kyi, Mykhailo. The Birthday Present and Other Stories. Abraham Mistetsky, tr. Kiev: Dnipro, 1973. 228 p.
R120.1 Books Abroad. 49.1 (Winter 1975): 156-157. (Eugene W. Fedorenko).
R120.2 Forum. 27 (1975): 25. (Unsigned).
R121. Koval, A.P. Krylati vyslovy v ukrainskii literaturnii movi. Aforyzmy. Literaturni tsytaty. Obrazni vyslovy / A. P. Koval and V.V. Koptilov. Kyiv: Vyshcha shkola, 1975.
R121.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 19.11 (November 1975): 24. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina (16 September 1975): 3]. (Yakiv Biloshtan, Mykola Dubyna. "The vital springs of language". Digest's title: "Publish new edition of literary expressions").
R122. Kozak, Stefan. U róde romantyzmu i nowo ytnej my li spo ecznej na Ukrainie. Wroc aw: Polska Akademia Nauk, 1978. 146 p.
R122.1 Ukrainian Quarterly. 34.3 (Autumn 1978): 286-289. (Roman S. Holiat).
R123. Krhoun, Mečislav. Båsnické dílo Jurije Fed'kovyče. Brno: Universita J.E. Purkyne, 1973. 358 p.
R123.1 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 19.1 (March 1977): 112-113. (H.F. Kerr).
R124. Kryms'kyi, Ahatanhel. Vybrani tvory. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1965. 659 p.
R124.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 10.9 (September 1966): 24-25. (V. Beylis). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Vsesvit. 6 (June 1966): 157-158. "Pages from the heritage of a scholar and poet. Digest's title: "New edition of Krymskyy's works reviewed"].
R125. Kulish, Mykola. "Sonata Patetyczna" / Myko a Kulisz. Prze o y Edward St. Bury. Dialog. 17.4/5 (192/193) (kwie ie /maj 1972): 111- 145.
R125.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 17.3 (March 1973): 11-12. (Natalya Kuziakina. "The Sonata Pathetique in Polish"). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (19 January 1973): 4. Digest's title: "Polish translation of Kulish play acclaimed"].
R126. Kulish, Mykola. Piesy i lysty. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1969. 414 p.
R126.1 Books Abroad. 45.1 (Winter 1971): 157. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R127. Kulish, Mykola. Sonata Pathetique. George S.N. Luckyj, Moira Luckyj, trs. Littleton, Co: Ukrainian Academic Press, 1975. 110 p.
R127.1 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 1.1 (Fall 1976): 80-89. illus. (M.C. "A poet of the theatre).
R127.2 World Literature Today. 51.3 (Summer 1977): 466-467. (Yar Slavutych).
R128. Kulish, Panteleimon. The Black Council. G.S.N. Luckyj, ed. & tr. Littleton, CO: Ukrainian Academic Press, 1973. xxiii, 125 p.
R128.1 Books Abroad. 48.2 (Spring 1974): 397. (Victor O. Buyniak).
R128.2 Choice. 11.3 (May 1974): 444. (Unsigned).
R128.3 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 31.3 (March 1974): 29. (Marty). [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R129. Kulish, Volodymyr. Patsany. München: Shlakh peremohy, 1967. 319 p.
R129.1 Books Abroad. 42.3 (Summer 1968): 470-471. (W.T. Zyla).
R130. Kyrchiv, Roman F. Ukrains'kyi fol'klor u pol's'kii literaturi (period romantyzmu). Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1971. 274 p.
R130.1 Recenzija. 3.2 (Spring 1973): 3- 18. (George G. Grabowicz).
R131. Kyryliuk, Ievhen. Shevchenko i nash chas. Literaturno-krytychnyi narys / Evhen Kyrylyuk. Kyiv: Radians'kyi pys'mennyk, 1968.
R131.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 13.6 (June 1969): 18-21. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Dnipro. 3 (March 1969): 138-141]. (Vasyl Shubravs'kyy, "About Soviet achievements in Shevchenko studies". Digest's title: "Views on Belinskiy's attitude to Ukrainian literature challenged").
R132. Lavrynenko, Iurii. Zrub i parosty: literaturno- krytychni statti, esei, refleksii. Munich: Suchasnist, 1971. 334 p.
R132.1 Books Abroad. 46.3 (Summer 1972): 511-512. (W.T. Zyla).
R133. Les Kurbas: spohady suchasnykiv. Ed. by V.S. Vasyl'ko. Kyiv: Mystetstvo, 1969. 359 p.
R133.1 Canadian-American Slavic Studies. 6.2 (Summer 1972): 342-343. (Romana M. Bahrij- Pikulyk).
R134. Lesych, Vadym. Vybrani poezii, 1930- 1965. New York: Ukrainian Writers Association "Slovo", 1965. 210 p.
R134.1 Books Abroad. 41.2 (Spring 1967): 237-238. (John Fizer).
R135. Lev, Vasyl. Bohdan Lepkyi, 1872-1941: zhyttia i tvorchist'. New York: Naukove Tovarystvo im. Shevchenka, 1976. 399 p. (Zapysky Naukovoho Tovarystva im. Shevchenka, t.193).
R135.1 Nationalities Papers. 7.2 (Fall 1979): 223-224. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R136. Likhachov, Dmitry. Poetika drevnerusskoi literatury. Leningrad: Nauka, 1967. 372 p.
R136.1 Slavic Review. 27.2 (June 1968): 345-347. (Norman W. Ingham).
R137. Literaturna Ukraina. Kyiv: Spilka Pys'mennykiv Ukrainy, 1973. Nos.1-103.
R137.1 Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 1.4 (December 1977): 551-557. (Bohdan Krawciw. Tr. by Natalia Pylypiuk).
R138. Litopys Samovydtsia. Instytut istorii (Akademiia nauk Ukrainskoi RSR); Iaroslav I. Dzyra. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1971. 204 p. ports. (Dzerela z istorii Ukrainy).
R138.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 15.8 (August 1971): 17. (V. Pepa. "A valuable publication"). [Full text. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (18 June 1971): 3. Digest's title: "Valuable historical chronicle published"].
R138.2 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 16.5 (May 1972): 16-18. (Yaroslav Dashkevych. "From under the dust of centuries"). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Vitchyzna 10 (October 1971): 205-208. Digest's title: "New edition of Cossack chronicle reviewed"].
R139. Luckyj, George S.N. Between Gogol' and Ševčenko: Polarity in the Literary Ukraine, 1798-1847. Munich: W. Fink, 1971. Pp.210.
R139.1 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 15.3 (Autumn 1973): 422-423. (Harold B. Segel).
R139.2 Slavic Review. 34.1 (March 1975): 189. (William B. Edgerton).
R140. Luckyj, George S.N. Literary Politics in the Soviet Ukraine, 1917-1934. New York: Columbia University Press, 1956. x, 323 p. (Studies of the Russian Institute, Columbia University).
R140.1 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 25.1 (January 1968): 26. (Marty) [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R141. Lutsiv, Luka. Ivan Franko: zhyttia i tvorchist'. New York: Shevchenko Scientific Society and Svoboda, 1966. 63 p.
R141.1 Books Abroad. 41.3 (Summer 1967): 361-362. (W.T. Zyla).
R142. Lutsyk, R.Ia. Inkunabuly L'vivs'koi naukovoi biblioteky im. V. Stefanyka: kataloh. Lviv: AN URSR, Lvivs'ka naukova biblioteka im. Stefanyka, 1974. 28 p.
R142.1 Recenzija. 5.1 (Fall-Winter 1974): 45-46. (James E. Walsh)
R143. Makhnovets', Leonid. Hryhorii Skovoroda: biohrafiia. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1972. 254 p.
R143.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 17.4 (April 1973): 18-19. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina (27 February 1973): 4]. (Ievhen Shabliovs'kyi. "Inquiries and discoveries").
R143.2 Recenzija. 4.1 (Fall-Winter 1973): 34-48. (Richard Hantula).
R144. Maksymenko, F.P. Kyrylychni starodruky ukrains'kykh drukaren', shcho zberihaiut'sia u lvivs'kykh zbirkakh (1574-1800). Kyrylychni starodruky. Zvedenyi kataloh. Lviv: Vyshcha shkola, 1975. 128 p.
R144.1 Recenzija. 6.6 (Spring-Summer 1976): 17-21. (J.S.G. Simmons).
R145. Malaniuk, Evhen. Persten' i posokh: Epilohy. Munich: Suchasnist', 1972. 79 p.
R145.1 Books Abroad. 47.2 (Spring 1973): 388. (Dan B. Chopyk).
R146. Mandryka, Mykyta. History of Ukrainian Literature in Canada./ M.I. Mandryka. Winnipeg: Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences, 1968. 247 p.
R146.1 Books Abroad. 43.2 (Spring 1969): 285-286. (W.T. Zyla).
R146.2 Forum. 11 (Winter 1969/70): 23. (Yar Slavutych. "Ukrainian literature in Canada").
R146.3 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 28.3 (March 1971): 28. (Marty) [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R146.4 Ukrainian Quarterly. 24.3 (Autumn 1968): 272-273. (W.T. Zyla).
R147. Mandryka, Mykyta. Sontsetsvit. Winnipeg: Trident, 1965. 128 p.
R147.1 Books Abroad. 40.1 (Winter 1966): 109. (W.T. Zyla).
R148. Mandryka, Mykyta. Vik Petliury. Winnipeg: Trident, 1966. 47 p.
R148.1 Books Abroad. 41.4 (Autumn 1967): 481. (W.T. Zyla).
R148.2 Ukrainian Review (London). 16.1 (Spring 1969): 96-cover. (W.T. Zyla).
R149. Manning, Clarence Augustus. Ukrainian Literature: Studies of the Leading Authors. Jersey City, N.J.: Ukrainian National Association, 1944. 126 p.
R149.1 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 23.8 (September 1966): 21. (Marty) [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R150. Materialy do vyvchennia istorii ukrains'koi literatury v piaty tomakh:posibnyk dlia studentiv filolohichnykh fakultetiv universytetiv ta ped-instytutiv. Uporiadnyky: I.P. Skrypnyk, P.M. Sirenko. Kyiv: Radians'ka shkola, 1959- 1966. 5v.
R150.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 10.12 (December 1966): 14-15. (Stepan Kryzhanivs'kyy). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (21 Ocxtober 1966): 2. "In five volumes". Digest's title: "Critic reviews philology textbook, calls for expanded second edition"].
ZZZZR 151. Matsiuk, O.Ia. Papir ta filihrani na ukrains'kykh zemliakh XVI-pochatok XX st. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1974. 292+4 p.
R151.1 Recenzija. 5.1 (Fall-Winter 1974): 28-36. illus. (Daniel Clarke Waugh).
R152. Matsyns'kyi, Ivan. Prystritnyky. Priashiv: 1969. 156 p.
R152.1 Books Abroad. 44.2 (Spring 1970): 334-335. (John Fizer).
R153. Medieval Russia's Epics, Chronicles and Tales. Ed., tr. and with an introd. by Serge A. Zenkovsky. Rev. and enl. ed. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1974. xv, 526 p. illus. (A Dutton paperback).
R153.1 Slavic and East European Journal. 19.3 (Fall 1975): 322-323. (Norman W. Ingham).
R153.2 Slavonic and East European Review. 53.133 (October 1975): 637-638. (Faith C.M. Kitch).
R154. Meihesh, Iurii. Siohodni i zavzhdy. Uzhhorod: Karpaty, 1970. 172 p.
R154.1 Books Abroad. 45.2 (Spring 1971): 341. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R155. Modern Ukrainian Short Stories. George S.N. Luckyj, ed. Littleton, CO: Ukrainian Academic Press, 1973. 228 p.
R155.1 Books Abroad. 48.4 (Autumn 1974): 814-815. (Dan B. Chopyk).
R155.2 Canadian-American Slavic Studies. 7.4 (Winter 1973): 566-567. (Ludmila Koehler).
R155.3 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 17.2/3 (Summer/Fall 1975): 559-561. (O. Zujewskyj).
R155.4 Choice. 10.8 (October 1973): 1203. (Unsigned).
R155.5 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 30.6 (June 1973): 27-28. (Marty) [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R155.6 Slavic and East European Journal. 19.4 (Winter 1975): 459-461. (Eugene W. Fedorenko).
R155.7 Ukrainian Quarterly. 35.4 Winter 1979): 406-408. (Eugene W. Fedorenko).
R156. Molodchykov, O.V. Knyha radians'koi Ukrainy. Kyiv: Vyd-vo politychnoi lit-ry Ukrainy, 1974. 174 p.
R156.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 18.6 (June 1974): 21. (Lev Hol'denberh. "The book in Soviet Ukraine"). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina (7 May 1974): 3. Digest's title: "History of Soviet Ukrainian publishing reviewed"].
R157. Moroz, Valentyn. Boomerang: the Works of Valentyn Moroz. Introd. by Paul L. Gersper. Ed. by Yaroslav Bihun. Baltimore: Smoloskyp [1974]. xxiii, 272 p. map.
R157.1 Problems of Communism. 26.2 (March-April 1977): 85-88. (Harvey Fireside. "Detente and Soviet dissidents". Group review of 5 books).
R158. Moroz, Valentyn. Bumerang. Introd. by Iurii Stefanyk. Baltimore: Smoloskyp, 1974. 303 p.
R158.1 Soviet Studies.28.2 (April 1975): 316-319. (V. Swoboda).
R158.2 Ukrainian Quarterly. 30.3 (Autumn 1974): 287-289. (Walter Dushnyck).
R159. Moroz, Valentyn. Esei, lysty, dokumenty. New York: Suchasnist, 1975. 288 p.
R159.1 Soviet Studies. 28.2 (April 1975): 316-319. (V. Swoboda).
R159.2 Ukrainian Quarterly. 31.1 (Spring 1975): 60-61. (Walter Dushnyck).
R160. Moroz, Valentyn. Report from the Beria Reserve. Tr. by John Kolasky. Toronto: Cataract Press, 1974. 162 p.
R160.1 ABN Correspondence. 26.1 (January-February 1975): 30-33. (Marilyn Vogt) ("Moroz fighting Russian chauvinism").
R160.2 Index on Censorship. 5.1 (Spring 1976): 90-91. (Richard Owen. Reviewed with two other books).
R160.3 Soviet Studies. 28.2 (April 1975): 316-319. (V. Swoboda).
R160.4 Ukrainian Quarterly. 31.1 (Spring 1975): 60-61. (Walter Dushnyck).
R161. Morrison, R.H. Australia's Ukrainian Poets. Tr. by R.H. Morrison. Melbourne: Hawthorn Press, 1973. 54 p.
R161.1 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 31.3 (March 1974): 27. (Unsigned).
R162. Mushynka, Mykola. Z hlybyn vikiv. Prešov: 1967. 394 p.
R162.1 Books Abroad. 43.2 (Spring 1969): 284-285. (John Fizer).
R163. Mykytas, Vasyl Lazarovych. Vsuperech pravdi. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1976. 317 p.
R163.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 21.4 [sic, i.e.5] (May 1977): 22-23. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (29 March 1977): 4]. (Volodymyr Ruban. "Truth - our weapon." Digest's title: "Ukrainian emigre literary critics scored in recent publication.")
R164. Nadareyshvili, Grigol. Taras Shevchenko k'art'ul literaturashi. [Taras Shevchenko in Georgian literature. Georgian text]. Tbilisi: Tsodna, 1964. 242 p.
R164.1 Slavonic and East European Review. 44.102 (January 1966): 271-272. (David M. Lang).
R165. Die Nestor-Chronik. With an introd. and commentary by D. Tschižewskij. (Reprinted from the Leningrad ed. of 1926). Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1969. xix, 325 p. (Slavistische Studienbücher, No.6).
R165.1 Slavic and East European Journal. 16.2 (Summer 1972): 268-269. (William W. Derbyshire).
R165.2 Slavic Review. 31.2 (June 1972): 415. (Marc Szeftel).
R165.3 Slavonic and East European Review. 50.119 (April 1972): 292-293. (Faith C.M. Wigzell).
R166. Novolittia: tvorchist' molodykh. Comp. O. Korobko. Uzhorod: Karpaty, 1974.
R166.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 19.4 (April 1975): 13-14. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina (28 February 1975): 2-3]. (Vitaliy Koval. "The responsibility of the first step". Digest's title: "Anthology of beginners' works criticized").
R167. Novychenko, Leonid. Ne illiustratsiia - vidkryttia: literaturno-krytychni narysy i portrety. Kyiv: Radians'kyi pys'mennyk, 1967. 325 p.
R167.1 Soviet Literature. 9 (1968): 188- 189. (Victor Ivanisenko. "Revelation not illustration" / Leonid Novichenko).
R168. Oliinyk, Borys. Hora. Kyiv: Molod', 1975. 94 p.
R168.1 Books Abroad. 50.3 (Summer 1976): 686-687. (Victor O. Buyniak).
R169. Oliinyk, Borys. Istyna. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1976. 392 p.
R169.1 World Literature Today. 52.1 (Winter 1978): 147. (I.A. Levitsky).
R170. Oliinyk, Borys. Stoiu na zemle. Moskva: Molodaia gvardiia, 1975.
R170.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 19.9 (September 1975): 18. (Vitaliy Korotych). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Radians'ka Ukraina. (8 August 1975): 4. "The talented word of our contemporary". Digest's title: "V. Korotych reviews Russian translation of B. Oliynyk's poems".
R171. Oliinyk, Borys. Zaklynannia vohniu. Kyiv: Molod, 1978. 94 p.
R171.1 Ukraine. 2(38) (1979): 7 (Unsigned, illus.)
R172. Osadchyi, Mykhailo. Bil'mo. Baltimore: Smoloskyp, 1971. 208 p.
R172.1 Books Abroad. 47.1 (Winter 1973): 185. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R172.2 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 1.1 (Fall 1976): 75-79. (Marika Boshyk).
R172.3 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 30.3 (March 1973): 29. (L.M.L.) [=Larissa Onyshkevych].
R173. Osadchyi, Mykhailo. Bil'mo. London: Ukrains'ka vydavnycha spilka, 1972. p.?
R173.1 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 1.1 (Fall 1976): 75-79. (Marika Boshyk).
R174. Osadchyi, Mykhailo. Cataract. / Mykhaylo Osadchy. Tr., ed. & annotated by Marco Carynnyk. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976. xxiii, 240 p. illus. (A Helen and Kurt Wolff book).
R174.1 Index on Censorship. 6.3 (May- June 1977): 75-76. (Robert C. Porter. "Unjust obscurity". Reviewed with Discordant voices, ed. by G.Luckyj).
R174.2 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 1.1 (Fall 1976): 75-79. (Marika Boshyk).
R174.3 Russian Review. 36.1 (January 1977): 99-100. (Joseph S. Roucek).
R174.4 Ukrainian Quarterly. 33.2 (Summer 1977): 192-193. (Larry Holmes).
R175. Osadchyi, Mykhailo. Cataracte / Mykhaylo Ossadchy. Kaléna Uhryn, tr. Paris: Fayard, 1974. 333 p.
R175.1 Books Abroad. 49.2 (Spring 1975): 359. (J.R. Krzy anowski).
R175.2 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 1.1 (Fall 1976): 75-79. (Marika Boshyk).
R176. Ovcharenko, Maria M. Gogol (Hohol') and O machka. Charleston, Winnipeg: UVAN (Canada), 1969. 48 p. illus. (Slavistica, no.64).
R176.1 Forum. 13 (Summer 1970): 22. (Unsigned).
R177. Palij, Lydia. Mandrivky v chasi i prostori/ Lida Paii. Toronto: Slovo, 1973. 48 p.
R177.1 Books Abroad. 48.3 (Summer 1974): 599. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R178. Panorama nainovishoi literatury v URSR. Ivan Koshelivets', ed. 2d rev. ed. Munich: Suchasnist, 1974. 701 p.
R178.1 Books Abroad. 49.4 (Autumn 1975): 808-809. (Eugene W. Fedorenko).
R179. Parkhomenko, M. Renovations of traditions: traditions and innovations of socialist realism in Ukrainian prose. Moscow: Progress, 1976. 302 p.
R179.1 World Literature Today. 53.1 (Winter 1979): 152. (L.M.L. Onyshkevych).
R180. Pavlychko, Dmytro. Hronoslov. Kyiv, 1967. 191 p.
R180.1 Books Abroad. 42.4 (Autumn 1968): 619. (John Fizer).
R181. Pavlychko, Dmytro. Sonety. Kyiv: Molod, 1978. 355 p.
R181.1 Ukraine. 2(38) (1979): 9. (Unsigned, illus., port.)
R182. Pavlychko, Dmytro. Taiemnytsia tvoho oblychchia. Kyiv: Molod', 1974.
R182.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 19.9 (September 1975): 17-18. (Marharyta Malynovs'ka). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (22 July 1975): 3. "The formula of rediscovered fire". Digest's title: "D. Pavlychko's new collection of poems praised"].
R183. Pervomais'kyi, Leonid. Tvory v semy tomakh. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1968-1970. 7 v.
R183.1 Soviet Literature. 9 (294) (1972): 163-165. (Alexander Borshchagovsky).
R184. Petrov, S.O., comp. Knyhy hrazhdanskoho druku vydani na Ukraini XVIII-persha polovyna XIX stolittia: Kataloh. Kharkiv: Knyzhkova palata, 1971. 297 p.
R184.1 Recenzija. 5.1 (Fall-Winter 1974): 25-27. (Marc Raeff).
R185. Pidmohyl'nyi, Valer'ian. A Little Touch of Drama./ Valerian Pidmohylny. Tr. from Ukrainian by George S.N. and Moira Luckyj. With introd. by George Shevelov. Littleton, CO: Ukrainian Academic Press, 1972. 191 p.
R185.1 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 15.4 (Winter 1973): 613-614. (V. Revutsky).
R185.2 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 30.6 (June 1973): 27. (Marty). [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R185.3 Slavic and East European Journal. 17.1 (Spring 1973): 90-92. (Richard Hantula).
R186. Pivnichne siaivo, Almanakh II. Edmonton: Slavuta, 1965. 192 p.
R186.1 Books Abroad. 40.3 (Summer 1966): 355-356. (W.T. Zyla).
R187. Pivnichne siaivo, Almanakh III. Edmonton: Slavuta, 1967. 184 p.
R187.1 Books Abroad. 42.4 (Autumn 1968): 618-619. (W.I. Zyla).
R188. Pivnichne siaivo, Almanakh IV. Edmonton: Slavuta, 1969. 164 p.
R188.1 Books Abroad. 45.1 (Winter 1971): 155-156. (W.T. Zyla).
R189. Pliushch, Leonid. Dans le carnaval de l'histoire: Memoires. / Leonid Plyushch. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1977. 440 p.
R189.1</b> Index on Censorship. 6.6 (November-December 1977): 71-76. (Clayton Yeo. "The 'disease' of dissent". Reviewed with three other books).
R190. Ponedilok, Mykola. Riatuite moiu dushu. Jersey City, N.J.: Svoboda, 1973. 504 p.
R190.1 Books Abroad. 48.3 (Summer 1974): 599-600. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R191. Ponedilok, Mykola. Smishni sl'ozynky. Jersey City, N.J.: Svoboda, 1966. 274 p.
R191.1 Books Abroad. 40.4 (Autumn 1966): 483-484. (W.T. Zyla).
R192. Ponedilok, Mykola. Zorepad. Toronto: Homin Ukrainy, 1969. 471 p.
R192.1 Books Abroad. 45.1 (Winter 1971): 156-157 (W.T. Zyla).
R193. The Poor Lad and the Cruel Princess. Ukrainian folk tale. Tr. from the Ukrainian by John Weir. Illus. by Yuli Kriha. Kiev: Mistetstvo, 1969. 21 p.
R193.1 Ukrainian Canadian. 23.519 (13) (December 1969): 22. (Olga Dzatko).
R194. Popov, P.M. Hryhorii Skovoroda: literaturnyi portret. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1969. 172 p.
R194.1 Recenzija. 2.2 (Spring 1972): 30-43. (Richard Hantula).
R195. Povazhna, Valentyna. Rozvytok ukrainskoi literaturnoi krytyky u 80-90-kh rokakh XIX st. Do problemy kryteriiv i metodu./ V.M. Povazhna. Kyiv: Vyshcha shkola, 1973.
R195.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 18.12 (December 1974): 13-15. (Vasyl Vorobyov. "The experience gained from the critical heritage"). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (24 September 1974): 3. Digest'stitle: "Monograph on 19th century criticism reviewed"].
R196. Prokopiw, Orysia. The Ukrainian Translations of Shakespeare's Sonnets: a stylistic analysis. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press & Gateway Punblishers, 1976. ix, 334 p. (University of Ottawa Ukrainian Studies, no.2).
R196.1 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 19.3 (September 1977): 392-393. (Valerian Revutsky).
R196.2 Forum. 37 (February 1977): 34. (Unsigned annotation).
R196.3 Ukrainian Quarterly. 33.3 (Autumn 1977): 304-35. (J.B. Rudnyckyj).
R196.4 Ukrainian Review (London). 24.1 (Spring 1977): 95. (J.B. Rudnyckyj) ("A new study of Shakespeare's sonnets in Ukrainian translation").
R197. Pronin, Alexander. History of Old Russian Literature=Istoriia drevnei russkoi literatury. Frankfurt a.M.: Possev, 1968. 472 p.
R197.1 Slavic and East European Journal. 14.1 (Spring 1970): 92-94. (William W. Derbyshire).
R198. Proty fal'shyvykh kontseptsii:suchasna literatura ta ideolohichna borot'ba. Kyiv: Radianskyi pys'mennyk, 1974.
R198.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 19.7 (July 1975): 18-20. (Ivan Zub). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Dnipro 1 (January 1975): 146-154. "In the twilight of anticommunism. The ideological schemes and mystifications of bourgeois propaganda". Digest's title: "Publish collective work attacking 'false concepts' in Western criticism."]
R198.2 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 19.8 (August 1975): 15-17. (K. Pavlenko). [Reviewed with two other books. Full text. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (8 July 1975): 2. "From positions of partymindedness and people mindedness." Digest's title: "Recent works on 'enemy ideology' in literature and art reviewed."
R199. Prychodko, Nicholas. Stormy Road to Freedom. With a foreword by Igor Gouzenko. New York: Vantage Press, 1968. 356 p.
R199.1 Ukrainian Quarterly. 24.1 (Spring 1968): 82-83. (Walter Dushnyck).
R200. Pys'mennyky Radians'koi Ukrainy: dovidnyk. Ed. P. IU. Shabatin. Kyiv: Radians'kyi pys'mennyk, 1976. 416 p.
R200.1 Slavic Review. 36.3 (September 1977): 549. (D.S.) [= Dmytro Shtohryn].
R201. Radians'ke literaturoznavstvo. Kyiv, Instytut literatury im. T.H.Shevchenka AN UkrSSR & Spilka pys'mennykiv Ukrainy 1972. v.16. Nos.1-12.
R201.1 Recenzija. 4.2 (Spring-Summer 1974): 59-80. (Natalia Pylypiuk).
R202. Radians'ke literaturoznavstvo. Kyiv: Instytut literatury im. T.H.Shevchenka AN UkrSSR & Spilka pys'mennykiv Ukrainy, 1973. v.17. nos.1-12.
R202.1 Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 1.4 (December 1977): 557-559. (Bohdan Krawciw. Tr. by Natalia Pylypiuk).
R203. Raiduzhnymy mostamy.Oleksa Novyts'kyi, ed. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1968.
R203.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian press. 13.6 (June 1969): 27-28. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Robitnycha hazeta (26 April 1969]. M. Ravlyuk. "Bridged of the history of nations". Digest's title: "Ukrainian-Georgian literary relations reviewed").
R204. Rechmedin, Valentyn. Narodzhennia Afrodity. Kyiv: Molod, 1974.
R204.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 19.6 (June 1975): 17-18. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (18 April 1975): 3]. (H. Vlasenko. "Where is that street?..." Digest's title: "New novel criticized for historical inaccuracies).
R205. Romanenchuk, Bohdan. Azbukovnyk: korotka entsyklopediia ukrains'koi literatury.t.1. Philadelphia: Kyiv, 1966. 56 p.
R205.1 Slavic and East European Journal. 12.1 (Spring 1968): 86-87. (Natalia Pazuniak).
R206. Romanenchuk, Bohdan. Azbukovnyk: entsyklopediia ukrainskoi literatury. Philadelphia: Kyiv. v.1 (1969); v.2 (1973).
R206.1 Mitteilungen (Arbeits- und Förderungsgemeinschaft der Ukrainischen Wissenchaften, München). 15 (1978): 225-229. (Leonid Rudnytzky).
R207. Romanovs'kyi. Oleksii. Partiia vede: Kerivna rol' Komunistychnoi Partii v rozvytku radians'koi literatury. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1967. 286 p.
R207.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 13.2 (February 1969): 23-24. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Komunist Ukrainy. 11 (November 1968): 80-82. (V. Vorobyov. "Inspiring and directional force". Digest's title: "New publication whitewashes party literary policy").
R208. Romanovs'kyi, Oleksii. Literatura lenins'koho hartu. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1973.
R208.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 18.6 (June 1974): 18-19. (Oleh Kylymnyk, Petro Panch. "The literature of Leninist tempering"). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (14 May 1974): 3. Digest's title: "Study cites new documents refuting 'innocence' of 20's literary organizations"].
R209. Rubchak, Bohdan. Osobysta Klio. New York: New York Group, 1967. 45 p.
R209.1 Books Abroad. 42.4 (Autumn 1968): 619-620. (John Fizer).
R210. Rudenko, Mykola. Khrest. Baltimore: Smoloskyp, 1977. 31 p. (unnumbered).
R210.1 World Literature Today. 53.4 (Autumn 1979): 710-711. (Marta Tarnawsky).
R211. Rudenko, Mykola. Prozrinnia: poezii, poemy. Petro Hryhorenko, Ihor Kachurovs'kyi, eds. Baltimore: Smoloskyp, 1978. xvi, 371 p. (faulty pagination).
R211.1 World Literature Today. 53.4 (Autumn 1979): 710-711. (Marta Tarnawsky).
R212. Rudnytzky, Leonid. Ivan Franko i nimets'ka literatura / Leonid Rudnyts'kyi. München: Ukrainisches Technisch-Wirtschaftliches Institut, 1975. 226 p.
R212.1 Books Abroad. 49.4 (Autumn 1975): 809. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R212.2 Slavic and East European Journal. 20.2 (Summer 1976): 195-196. (Albert A. Kipa).
R213. Rybakov, B.A. Russkie letopistsy: avtor Slova o polku Igoreve. Moskva: Nauka, 1972. 520 p.
R213.1 Slavic Review. 33.4 (December 1974): 767-768. (Nikolay Andreyev).
R214. Rybakov, B.A. Slovo o polku Igoreve i ego sovremenniki. Moskva: Nauka, 1971. 295 p.
R214.1 Slavic Review. 33.4 (December 1974): 767-768. (Nikolay Andreyev).
R215. Ryl's'kyi, Maksym. Iak parost' vynohradno lozy. Uporiadnyk H.M. Kolesnyk. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1973. 258 p. illus., port.
R215.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 17.9 (September 1973): 14-15. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (24 July 1973): 3]. (Oles Lupiy. "In search of new words". Digest's title: "Publish Ryl's'kyy's collection on language.")
R216. Ryl's'kyi, Maksym. Poezii. Kyiv: Radians'kyi pys'mennyk, 1976. 304 p. ill.
R216.1 World Literature Today. 52.1 (Winter 1978): 143. (Yar Slavutych).
R217. Sak, Iu.M. Inkunabuly Biblioteky Uzhhorods'koho derzhavnoho universytetu. Uzhhorod: 1974. 65 (3) p.
R217.1 Recenzija. 6.1 (Fall-Winter 1975): 38-40. (Frederick R. Gott).
R218. Sambuk, Rostyslav. Kolektsiia profesora Stakha. Portret El' Greko: pryhodnyts'ki povisti. Kyiv: Molod, 1976. 157 p.
R218.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press.20.12 (December 1976): 22-24. [Full text. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (29 October 1976): 3]. (Hlib Chanhuli, "If the law is ignored..." Digest's title: "Detective novel scored for 'misrepresenting' Soviet legal procedure").
R219. Samchuk, Ulas. Slidamy pioniriv: epos ukrains'koi Ameryky. New York, Svoboda, 1979. 268 p.
R219.1 Ukrainian Quarterly. 35.4 (Winter 1979): 402-403. (Walter Dushnyck).
R220. Schiller, Friedrich. Liryka / Fridrikh Shiller. Pereklad z nimets'koi Mykoly Lukasha. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1967. 194 p. (Perlyny svitovoi liryky).
R220.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 11.5 (May 1967): 23. [Full text. Unsigned. "Lukash translates Schiller's lyric poetry").
R221. Scripta Manent:a bio-bibliography of J.B. Rudnyc'kyj. Winnipeg: Privately printed, 1975. 236 p.
R221.1 Books Abroad. 50.4 (Autumn 1976): 919. (V. O. Buyniak).
R221.2 Mitteilungen(Arbeits- und Förderungsgemeinschaft der ukrainischen Wissenschaften). 13 (1976): 149-151. (P. Cymbalisty).
R222. Seeman, Klaus-Dieter. Die altrussische Wallfahrtsliteratur: Theorie and Geschichte eines literarischen Genres. München: Wilhelm Fink, 1976. 484 p. (Theorie und Geschichte der Literatur und der schönen Künste, 24).
R222.1 Slavic and East European Journal. 22.4 (Winter 1978): 525-526. (Serge A. Zenkovsky).
R223. Semenenko, Oleksander. Kharkiv, Kharkiv... New York: Suchasnist, 1976. 239 p.
R223.1 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies.4.2 (Fall 1979): 94-98. (Myroslav Shkandrij).
R224. Shabliovs'kyi, Ievhen. The Humanism of Shevchenko and Our Time / Yevhen Shabliovsky. Tr. by Mary Skrypnyk with participation of Petro Kravchuk. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1971. 326 p. illus. (part col.)
R224.1 Ukrainian Canadian. 25.556 (49) (March 1973): 14-15. (Mitch Sago "The humanism of Shevchenko and our time, an editorial).
R225. Shabliovs'kyi, Ievhen. Svoboda tvorchosti i hromadians'ka vidpovidal'nist' pys'mennyka. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1973.
R225.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 18.4 (April 1974): 22-23. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (15 February 1974): 2. (Oleksandr Stohnut. "Passionately, aggresively". The Digest's title: "Book on creative freedom reviewed."
R226. Shabliovs'kyi, Ievhen. Ukrainian Literature Through the Ages / Yevhen Shabliovsky. Kiev: Mistetstvo, 1970. 241 p. ports.
R226.1 Ukrainian Canadian. 23.533 (54) (March 1971): 20-21. (unsigned).
R227. Shankovsky, Igor. Symonenko - A Study in Semantics. München: Ukrainisches Institut für Bildungspolitik, 1977. 212 p. illus., port.
R227.1 ABN Correspondence. 30.1 (January-February 1979): inside back cover. (Anon.)
R228. Shankovskyi, Ihor. Korotke lito. Edmonton: Ukrainian Book Store, 1970. 114 p.
R228.1 Ukrainian Review (London). 18.4 (Winter 1971): 110-111. (Olga Orechwa).
R229. Shapovalova, Mariia. Shekspir v ukrains'kii literaturi. Lviv: Vyshcha shkola, 1976. 212 p.
R229.1 Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 2.2 (June 1978): 256-258. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R230. Shevchenko, Taras. Selected Poetry. Kiev: Dnipro, 1977.
R230.1 Ukrainian Canadian. 31.614 (108) (September 1978): 22. illus. (Yuri Moskal. Reprinted from News from Ukraine).
R231. Shevchenkivs'kyi slovnyk. / Instytut literatury im. T.H. Shevchenka, Akademiia nauk URSR. Kyiv: Ukrains'ka radians'ka entsyklopediia, 1976-1977. 2 v.
R231.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 21.4 [i.e.5] (May 1977): 19. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Radians'ka Ukraina (29 March 1977): 4] (B. Derkach. "A rich legacy: the two-volume Shevchenko dictionary". Digest's title: "A two-volume Shevchenko dictionary published.")
R231.2 Slavic Review. 36.3 (September 1977): 549. (D.S.) [=Dmytro Shtohryn].
R231.3 Ukrainian Canadian. 29.600 (94) (May 1977): 15. illus. (Unsigned. "Shevchenkiana enriched by two-volume thesaurus").
R232. Shevchenkoznavstvo: pidsumky i problemy. Vid. red. IE.P. Kyryliuk. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1975. 560 p.
R232.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 21.3 (March 1977): 21-22. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina (10 December 1976: 21. (Ivan Pyatakov. "The first book on Shevchenko studies". Digest's title: "First work on Shevchenko studies published.")
R233. Shevchuk, Valerii. Naberezhna 12; roman. Seredokhrestia; povist'. Kyiv: Molod, 1968. 245 p.
R233.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 13.8 (August 1969): 12-13. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (24 June 1969):3]. (R. Hlushyn. "Heroes and manner of portrayal. Digest's title: "V. Shevchuk reprimanded for 'esthetic mystification'.")
R233.2 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 15.3 (March 1971): 14-15. [Excerpts. (I. Dzeveryn. "Party spirit - the writer's honor") Ukrainian original in Pravda Ukrainy. (2 February 1971): 2-3]. The Digest's title: "V. Shevchuk censored for portrayal of 'alienated' people."].
R234. Shevchuk, Vasyl'. Predtecha. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1972. 255 p.
R234.1 Books Abroad. 47.2 (Spring 1973): 388. (Dan B. Chopyk)
R235. Shevelov, George Y. Ne dlia ditei / Iurii Sherekh. München: Prolog, 1964. 415 p.
R235.1 Books Abroad. 40.3 (Summer 1966): 356. (W.T. Zyla).
R235.2. Slavic and East Euroepan Journal. 10.4 (Winter 1966): 466-468. (W.T. Zyla).
R236. Shistdesiat' poetiv shistdesiatykh rokiv; antolohiia novoi ukrainskoi poezii. Uporiadkuvannia, vstupna stattia i dovidky Bohdana Kravtseva. New York: Proloh, 1967. 299 p.
R236.1 Digest of Soviet Ukrainian Press. 14.12 (December 1970): 9-10. (Ol. Ivanenko. "A fly on Pegasus"). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Vsesvit. 8 (August 1970): 147-149. Digest's title: "Krawciw and anthology of Soviet poetry reviled"].
R237. Shpak, V.T. Suchasni fal'sifikatory spadshchyny T.H. Shevchenka. Kyiv: Vyshcha shkola, 1974.
R237.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 19.5 (May 1975): 10-11. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina (11 March 1975): 2]. (Mykola Dubyna. "In a militant and convincing manner". Digest's title: "New collection 'exposes' western falsifications of Shevchenko").
R238. Shubravs'ka, M. D.I. Iavornyts'kyi: zhyttia, fol'klorystychno-etnohrafichna dial'nist'. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1972.
R238.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 16.10 (October 1972): 17-18. (V. Hromova, Ye. Shabliovs'kyy. "A scholar and writer"). [Full text. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina (8 August 1972): 3. Digest's title: "Review monograph of [sic] Yavornyts'kyy].
R239. Shyroke more Ukrainy. Baltimore: Smoloskyp, 1972. 378 p. (Biblioteka Smoloskypa, 14).
R239.1 Slavic and East European Journal. 20.4 (Winter 1976): 502-503. (George S.N. Luckyj).
R240. Sirka, Josef. The Development of Ukrainian Literature in Czechoslovakia, 1945-1975. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 1978. 198 p.
R240.1 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 21.3 (September 1979): 427-428. (Yar Slavutych).
R240.2 Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 2.4 (December 1978): 534-536. (Danylo Husar Struk).
R240.3 World Literature Today. 53.3 (Summer 1979): 525-526. (Yar Slavutych).
R241. Skovoroda, Hryhorii. Literaturni tvory. B.A. Derkach, ed. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1972. 436 p.
R241.1 Ukrainian Quarterly. 30.3 (Autumn 1974): 293-294. (Eugene W. Fedorenko).
R242. Skovoroda, Hryhorii. Povne zibrannia tvoriv u dvokh tomakh. / Ed. V.I. Shynkaruk et al. AN URSR. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1973. 2 v. (pp.532, 575).
R242.1 Slavic Review. 33.3 (September 1974): 559-560. (Petro B.T. Bilaniuk).
R242.2 Ukrainian Quarterly. 31.2 (Summer 1975): 196-197. (Eugene W. Fedorenko).
R243. Skovoroda, Hryhorii. Vybrani tvory v dvokh tomakh. B.A. Derkach, ed. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1972. 2 v.
R243.1 Ukrainian Quarterly. 30.3 (Autumn 1974): 293-294. (Eugene W. Fedorenko).
ZZZZR 244. Slavutych, Yar. The Conquerors of the Prairies. R.H. Morrison, tr. Edmonton: Slavuta, 1974. 112p.
R244.1 Books Abroad. 49.4 (Autumn 1975): 809-810. (Dan B. Chopyk).
R244.2 Canadian Ethnic Studies. 2 (1976): 123. (Victor O. Buyniak).
R244.3 University of Toronto Quarterly. 45.4 (1976): 443-444. (C.H. Andrusyshen).
R245. Slavutych, Yar. Mudroshchi mandriv. Edmonton: Slavuta, 1972. 96 p.
R245.1 Books Abroad. 47.2 (Spring 1973): 389. (Dan B. Chopyk).
R245.2 University of Toronto Quarterly. 42?.4 (1973): 505-507. (C.H. Andrusyshen. "The wisdom of peregrinations").
R246. Slavutych, Yar. L'oiseau de feu: poèmes choisis. René Coulet du Gard, tr.. Edmonton: Deux Mondes, 1976. ix, 50 p.
R246.1 World Literature Today. 51.2 (Spring 1977): 307. (M.I. Mandryka).
R247. Slavutych, Yar. Trofei. Edmonton: Slavuta, 1963. 320 p.
R247.1 Forum. 1.1 (Winter 1966/67): 21. (W.T. Zyla. "Poet Yar Slavutych")
R247.2 Ukrainian Quarterly. 22.1 (Spring 1966): 88-89. (W.T. Zyla).
R248. Slavutych, Yar. Ukrains'ka poeziia v Kanadi. Edmonton: Slavuta, 1977. 104 p.
R248.1 World Literature Today. 52.3 (Summer 1978): 490. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R249. Slavutych, Yar. Zavoiovnyky prerii. Edmonton: Slavuta, 1968. 48 p.
R249.1 Books Abroad. 43.2 (Spring 1969): 284. (W.T. Zyla).
R249.2 Ukrainian Review (London). 16.4 (Winter 1969): 92-93. (W.T. Zyla).
R250. Slavutych, Yar. Zibrani tvory, 1938-1978. Edmonton: Slavuta, 1978. 408 p.
R250.1 Ukrainian Review (London). 27 [sic, i.e. 26].4 (Winter 1979): 95-96 inside back cover. (Wolodymyr T. Zyla).
R251. Slovo: zbirnyk 2. New York: Ukrainian Writers' Association "Slovo", 1964. 397 p.
R251.1 Books Abroad. 41.3 (Summer 1967): 294-295. (W.T. Zyla. "Ukrainian anthology").
R252. Slovo: zbirnyk 3. New York: Ukrainian Writers Association "Slovo", 1968. 533 p.
R252.1 Books Abroad. 43.2 (Spring 1969): 283-284 (W.T. Zyla).
R253. Slovo: zbirnyk 4. Ukrainian Writers' Association "Slovo". Edmonton: Ukrainian Book Store, 1970. 256 p.
R253.1 Ukrainian Quarterly. 30.1 (Spring 1974): 69-71. (Eugene W. Fedorenko).
R254. Slovo o polku Ihorevim. The Tale of the Campaign of Igor:a Russian epic poem of the twelfth century. Tr. by Robert C. Howes. New York: W.W. Norton, 1973. x, 67 p.
R254.1 Choice. 11.8 (October 1974): 1145 (Unsigned).
R254.2 Forum. 29 (1975): 24. (Unsigned).
R254.3 Slavic Review. 33.4 (December 1974): 768-769. (Jack V. Haney).
R255. Smotrych, Oleksander. Buttia: 16 nikomu nepotribnykh opovidan'. Toronto: Novi dni, 1973. 120 p.
R255.1 Books Abroad. 48.3 (Summer 1974): 600. (Larissa L.N. Onyshkevych)[sic].
R256. Spivdruzhnist' literatur i suchasna ideolohichna borot'ba. Ed. N.Ie. Krutikova, H.D. Verves. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1974.
R256.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 19.2 (February 1975): 17. (Oleksandr Stohnut. "Uncompromisingly, aggressively"). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina (6 December 1974): 3. Digest title: "Work on Soviet literary relations denies that development of national literatures is hampered").
R256.2</b> Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 19.8 (August 1975): 15-17. (K. Pavlenko). [Reviewed with two other books. Full text. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (8 July 1975): 2. "From positions of partymindedness and people mindedness." Digest's title: "Recent works on 'enemy ideology' in literature and art reviewed."
R257. Stenchuk, Bohdan. What I. Dzyuba Stands For, and How He Does It. / Bohdan Stanchuk. Kiev: Association for Cultural Relations with Ukrainians Abroad, 1970. 196 p.
R257.1 Soviet Studies. 23.4 (April 1972): 659-667. (V. Swoboda).
R258. Stefanovych, Oleksa. Zibrani tvory. Bohdan Boychuk, ed. Toronto: Slovo, 1975. 304 p.
R258.1 Books Abroad. 50.1 (Winter 1976): 199. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R259. Stefanyk, Vasyl'. The Stone Cross. Tr. from the Ukrainian by Joseph Wiznuk in collaboration with C.H. Andrusyshen. Toronto: Published for the Stefanyk Centennial Committee by McClelland & Stewart, 1971. 164 p. port.
R259.1 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 29.5 (May 1972): 27-28. (Marty) [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R259.2 Promin'. 12.5 (May 1971): 16. (Johanna Michalenko. "Ukrainian short stories", port. of Stefanyk)
R260. Sto padesát let česko-ukrajinských literárnich stykú, 1814-1964. / Josef Strnadel, ed. State Library of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (Slavonic Library). Institute of the Languages and Literatures of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Prague: Svét Sovétú, 1968. 478 p.
R260.1 Central European Federalist. 17.2 (1969): 36-38. (Myroslava Tomorug Znayenko).
R260.2 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 13.2 (February 1969): 22-23. (Hennadiy Konovalov. "A basis for fundamental research"). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (17 December 1968): 3-4. Digest's title: "Ukrainian-Czech literary relations examined in new collection"].
R260.3 Slavonic and East European Review. 48.113 (October 1970): 626-627. (O. Josek).
R261. Stories of the Soviet Ukraine. Moscow: Progress, 1970. 303 p.
R261.1 Forum. 21 (1973): 25. (Unsigned).
R261.2 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 30.1 (January 1973): 27-28. (Marty) [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R262. Struk, Danylo H. A Study of Vasyl Stefanyk: the Pain at the Heart of Existence. / D.S. Struk. With foreword by G.S.N. Luckyj. Littleton, CO: Ukrainian Academic Press, 1973. 200 p.
R262.1 Canadian-American Slavic Studies. 10.3 (Fall 1976): 453-454. (Victor O. Buyniak).
R262.2 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 15.4 (Winter 1973): 612-613. (Yar Slavutych).
R262.3 Slavic and East European Journal. 18.1 (Spring 1974): 92-94. (Assya Humesky).
R262.4 Slavic Review. 33.2 (June 1974): 403-404. (Jaroslav Rozumnyj).
R262.5 Ukrainian Quarterly. 29.4 (Winter 1973): 397-398. (Yar Slavutych).
R262.6 Ukrainian Review (London). 20.2 (Summer 1973): 95. (Unsigned).
R263. Stupnyts'kyi, Leonid. Nevyhadani istorii: zapysky zhurnalista. Lviv: Kameniar, 1964. 79 p.
R263.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 10.1 (January 1966): 18-20. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Dnipro. 11 (November 1965): 156-158]. (Marharyta Malynovs'ka. "A synthesis of heavy water"; Digest's title: "Critic pans recent book for banality").
R264. Stus, Vasyl'. Svicha v svichadi. Marco Carynnyk, Wolfram Burghardt, eds. New York: Suchasnist, 1977. 126 p.
R264.1 World Literature Today. 53.1 (Winter 1979): 148. (Natalia Pazuniak).
R265. Suziria./ Red. H. Lozyns'ka. Kyiv: Dnipro, 5 (1971).
R265.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 16.9 (September 1972): 17-18. (Hanna Zayets. "In the constellation of fraternal literatures"). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina (14 July 1972): 3. Digest's title: "Fifth issue of Suzirya devoted to Baltic literature"].
R266. Suziria frantsuz'koi poezii./ upor. Mykola Tereshchenko. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1971. 2v.
R266.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 15.12 (December 1971): 11-12. (Yarema Kravets'. "Two volumes of French poetry"). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (5 November 1971): 4. Digest's title: Publish anthology of French poetry"].
R267. Sverstiuk, Ievhen. Clandestine Essays. George S.N. Luckyj, tr. & introd. Cambridge, MA: Ukrainian Academic Press for the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 1976. 100 p. (Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute. Monograph series).
R267.1 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 20.1 (March 1978): 131-133. (Wasyl Veryha).
R267.2 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 33.11 (December 1976): 32+cover. (Unsigned).
R267.3 Slavic Review. 38.2 (June 1979): 358. (John S. Reshetar, Jr.).
R267.4 World Literature Today. 51.2 (Spring 1977): 303. (Danylo Husar Struk).
R268. Sverstiuk, Ievhen. Sobor u ryshtovanni. Foreword by Marko Antonovych. Paris: PIUF; Baltimore: Smoloskyp, 1970. 173 p.
R268.1 Soviet Studies. 23.4 (April 1972): 659-667. (V. Swoboda).
R269. Svidzins'kyi, Volodymyr. Medobir. New York: Suchasnist, 1975. 204 p.
R269.1 Books Abroad. 50.2 (Spring 1976): 435. (D. Husar Struk).
R270. Svitlychnyi, Ivan. Gratovani sonety. New York: Suchasnist', 1977. 111 p. ill.
R270.1 World Literature Today. 52.3 (Summer 1978): 490. (Victor O. Buyniak).
R271. Symonenko, Vasyl'. Bereh chekan'. New York: Prolog, 1965. 223 p.
R271.1 Books Abroad. 41.1 (Winter 1967): 107. (John Fizer).
R271.2 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 10.3 (March 1966): back cover; 10.4 (April 1966): back cover; 10.5 (May 1966): back cover. (Unsigned. Advertisement).
R272. Taras Ševčenko: Sein Leben und Sein Werk.Unter der Redaktion von Jurij Bojko und Erwin Koschmieder. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1965. xvi, 492 p.
R272.1 Canadian Slavic Studies. 2.1 (Spring 1968): 135-136. (W. Besoushko).
R272.2 Slavic and East European Journal. 10.4 (Winter 1966): 473-474. (George S.N. Luckyj).
R272.3 Slavic Review. 29.2 (June 1970): 351. (Victor O. Buyniak).
R272.4 Ukrainian Quarterly. 23.1 (Spring 1967): 77-79. (W.T. Zyla).
R273. Tarnavs'ka, Marta. Khvaliu iliuziiu. New York: Slovo, 1972. 47 p.
R273.1 Books Abroad. 47.2 (Spring 1973): 389. (W.T. Zyla).
R274. Tarnavs'kyi, Ostap. Tuha za mitom. New York: Kliuchi, 1966. 159 p.
R274.1 Ukrainian Quarterly. 25.2 (Summer 1969): 184. (M.S.T.) [= Marta Tarnawsky].
R275. Tarnawsky, Yuriy. Meningitis. New York: Fiction Collective, English Department, Brooklyn College, 1978. 158 p. (Distributed by George Braziller Inc.).
R275.1 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies.4.1 (Spring 1979): 116-119 (H. Hryhoriak).
R276. Their Land:an anthology of Ukrainian short stories. / Edited by Michael Luchkovich. Pref. by Clarence A. Manning. Introd. by Luke Luciv. Biog. sketches by Bohdan Krawciw. Jersey City, N.J.: Svoboda Press, 1964. 325 p.
R276.1 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 27.4 (April 1970): 23. (Marty) [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R276.2 Slavic and East European Journal. 10.4 (Winter 1966): 482. (Gregory Luznycky).
R277. Tvorchist' Iara Slavutycha:statti i retsenzii. Volodymyr T. Zyla, comp. Edmonton: Jubilee Comittee, Slavuta, 1978. 431 p.
R277.1 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 20.4 (December 1978): 607. (R.C.E.).
R277.2 Ukrainian Quarterly. 35.4 (Winter 1979): 409-410. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R277.3 World Literature Today. 53.2 (Spring 1979): 319-320. (Dan B. Chopyk).
R278. Tychyna, Pavlo. Kvitny, movo nasha ridna. Hryhorii M. Kolesnyk, comp. Ivan K. Bilodid, ed. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1971. 207 p. illus., port.
R278.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 16.2 (February 1972): 11-12. (Mykola Pylyns'kyy. "Flower, our native language"). [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (21 December 1971): 3. Digest's title: "Publish Tychyna's works on language"].
R278.2 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 17.8 (August 1973): 23-24. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Ukrains'ka mova i literatura v shkoli. (9 (September 1972): 89-91]. (V.S. Vashchenko & V.V.Vlasenko. Digest's title: "Tychyna's essays on language reviewed.")
R279. Ukrainian Dumy: Editio minor. Tr.by George Tarnawsky and Patricia Kilina. Introd. by Natalie K. Moyle. Toronto, Cambridge, MA: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies and Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 1979. 219 p.
R279.1 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 4.1 (Spring 1979): unnumbered [i.e.p.136] (Advertisment).
R279.2 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 4.2 (Fall 1979): unnumbered [i.e. p.120] (Advertisement).
R280. Ukrainian Folk Tales.Tr. by Marie Halun Bloch. Illus. by J. Hnizdovsky. New York: Coward-McCann, 1964. 76 p. illus.
R280.1 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 23.11 (December 1966): 16. (Marty) [= Marta Tarnawsky].
R281. "Ukrainian literature".Leo D. Rudnytzky, ed. Modern Slavic literatures: a library of literary criticism. Comp. & ed. by Vasa D. Mihailovich et al. New York: F. Ungar. v.2. Bulgarian, Czechoslovak, Polish, Ukrainian and Yugoslav literatures. 2 (1976): 448-532.
R281.1 Ukrainian Review (London). 23.4 (Winter 1976): 96. (Aleksander Sokolyszyn).
R282. The Ukrainian Poets, 1189-1962. Selected and translated into English verse by C.H. Andrusyshen and Watson Kirkconnell. Toronto: Published for the Ukrainian Canadian Committee by University of Toronto Press, 1963. xxx, 500 p.
R282.1 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 27.11 (December 1970): 27. (Marty). [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R283. Ukrainka, Lesia. In the Catacombs. Dramatic poem. Tr. from the Ukrainian by John Weir. Afterword by Oleg Babyshkin. Illus. by Mikola Storozhenko. Kiev: Mistetstvo, 1971. 88 p. illus. port.
R283.1 Forum. 20 (1972): 24. (Unsigned).
R284. Ukrainka, Lesia. Lesya Ukrainka: Life and Work. / Constantine Bida. Selected Works/ Tr. by Vera Rich. Toronto: Published for the Women's Council of the Ukrainian Canadian Committee by University of Toronto Press, 1969. viii, 259 p.
R284.1 Choice. 5.9 (November 1968): 1138. (Unsigned).
R284.2 Forum. 2.1 (Spring 1968): 22. (Unsigned, port.)
R284.3 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 26.5 (May 1969): 27. (Marty) [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R284.4 Promin'. 10.6 (June 1969) : 16. (Greg Michalenko).
R284.5 Slavic and East European Journal. 13.2 (Summer 1969): 264-265. (George S.N. Luckyj).
R284.6 Slavic Review. 29.1 (March 1970): 146-147. (Victor O. Buyniak).
R284.7 Slavonic and East European Review. 49.114 (January 1971): 144-145. (Valerian Revutsky).
R284.8 Ukrainian Review (London). 15.3 (Autumn 1068): 95-96. (Elizabeth Anne Harvey).
R284.9 Zhinochyi svit=Woman's World. 20.7-8 (235-236) (July-August 1969): 19. (Halia Hawryluk-Charney).
R285. Ukrainka, Lesia. Spirit of Flame. A collection of the works of Lesya Ukrainka. Tr. by Percival Cundy. New York: Bookman Associates, 1950. 320 p. port.
R285.1 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 24.6 (June 1967): 26. (Marty) [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R286. Ukrains'ke literaturoznavstvo. Lviv: Vyshcha shkola, 1973. v.18,19,20.
R286.1 Harvard Ukrainian Studies.1.4 (December 1977): 550-551. (Bohdan Krawciw. Tr. by Natalia Pylypiuk).
R287. Ukrains'ki pys'mennyky: bio-bibliohrafichnyi slovnyk. Kyiv: Derzh. vyd-vo khudozhnioi literatury / Dnipro, 1960-1965. 5 v.
R287.1 Soviet Literature. 9 (243) (1968): 190. (Nikolai Matsuyev).
R288. Ukrainskie narodnye dumy: [teksty]. Otv. red. V.M. Gatsak. Vstupit. stat'ia B.P. Kirdana. Moskva: Nauka, 1972. 560 p. illus., music.
R288.1 Digest of Soviet Ukrainian Press. 17.8 (August 1973): 12-14. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (3 July 1973): 3]. (Fedir Lavrov. "A collection of folk dumy". Digest's title: "Publish collection of Ukrainian dumy in Moscow.")
R289. V chadu fal'shyvykh idei. / Z. Libman, comp. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1974.
R289.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 19.8 (August 1975): 15-17. (K. Pavlenko). [Reviewed with two other books. Full text. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina. (8 July 1975): 2. "From positions of partymindedness and people mindedness." Digest's title: "Recent works on 'enemy ideology' in literature and art reviewed."
R290. Vakulenko, D.T. Suchasna ukrains'ka dramaturhiia 1945-1972: osnovni tendentsii rozvytku. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1976. 228 p.
R290.1 Recenzija. 8 (1977-1978): 35- 43. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R291. Vaplitians'kyi zbirnyk. 2d rev. ed. George Luckyj, ed. Oakville, Ont.: Mosaic, 1977. 260 p. 42 plates.
R291.1 World Literature Today. 53.1 (Winter 1979): 147-148. (Dan B. Chopyk).
R292. Vasyl'kivs'kyi, Oleksandr. Myt' vertannia. Kyiv: Radians'kyi pys'mennyk, 1974. 187 p.
R292.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 19.6 (June 1975): 3. (Anatoliy Pohribnyy. "When the conflict in the plot betrays..." Digest's title: "Proscribed topics do not exist for our writers, but...).
R293. Vid Vyshens'koho do Skovorody (z istorii filosofs'koi dumky na Ukraini XVI-XVIII st). / V.M. Nichyk, ed. Kyiv: Naukova dumka. 1972. 142 p.
R293.1 Recenzija. 7.1 (Fall-Winter 1976): 50-59. (Taras D. Zakydalsky).
R294. Vil'de, Iryna. Sestry Richynskye. Per. s ukr. Vl. Rossel'sa. Moskva, Sovetskii pisatel', 1959-1967.
R294.1 Soviet Literature. 9 (1968): 187- 188. (Grigori Korabelnikov).
R295. Vybranyi Stefan George po ukrains'komu ta inshymy, peredusim slov'ians'kymy, movamy. / vydaly Ihor Kostets'kyi, Oleh Zuievs'kyi. = Stefan George. Ausgewälte Gedichte. Ukrainisch und in anderen, vorzüglich slawischen Sprachen / hrsg. von Eaghor G. Kostetzky, Oleh Zujewskyj. Stuttgart: Na Hori, 1968-1973. 2 v. (v.1, 591 p.; v.2, 529 p.) illus.
R295.1 Canadian Review of Comparative Literature. 6.1 (Winter 1979): 100-105. (Roman S. Struc); 105-106 (M.V.D. = M.V. Dimi ).
R296. Vynnychenko, Volodymyr. Slovo za toboiu, Staline: politychna kontseptsiia v obrazakh. H. Kostiuk, ed. New York: Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the USA, 1971. 374 p.
R296.1 Books Abroad. 47.1 (Winter 1973): 185-186. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R297. Wacyk, Nicholas. Ivan Franko: His Thoughts and Struggles. New York: Shevchenko Scientific Society, 1975. xv, 114 p. (Shevchenko Scientific Society. Ukrainian studies, v.38. The English section, v.11).
R297.1 Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 1.2 (June 1977): 259-261. (Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak).
R297.2 Slavic Review. 37.1 (March 1978): 174. (Danylo Husar Struk).
R298. Woycenko, Ol'ha. Ukrainian-Canadian Letters. Winnipeg: UVAN, 1969. 27 p. (Slavic literatures in Canada, 1) (Slavistica, no.65).
R298.1 Forum. 15 (Winter 1970-71): 22. (Unsigned).
R299. Z dziejów stosunków literackich polsko- ukrai skich. Ed. by Stefan Kozak and Marian Jakóbiec. Warszawa: Polska Akademia Nauk, Komitet S owianoznawstwa, 1974. 280 p.
R299.1 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 17.2/3 (Summer/Fall 1975): 549-550. (George S.N. Luckyj).
R300. Z Leninym v sertsi. Comp. by Ie. Kurtiak, M. Romanchenko. Lviv: Kameniar, 1976.
R3000.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 20.7 (July 1976): 22. [Full text. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina (18 May 1976): 3]. (Petro Kononenko. "On the right road". Digest's title: "Lviv writers publish collection of works to honor flowering in Soviet times").
R301. Zaremba, Volodymyr. Ivan Mandzura. Kyiv: Molod', 1972.
R301.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 17.12 (December 1973): 15-17. [Excerpts. Russian original in Raduga 6 (June 1973): 176-191. (Anatoliy Tutyk: "From a position of antihistoricism"). Digest's title: "Manzhura biography criticized for 'embellishment' of Cossack history."]
R302. Zarudnyi, Mykola. Na belom svete. Moskva: Molodaia gvardiia, 1967. 382 p. [Russian translation of Na bilomu sviti].
R302.1 Soviet Literature. 9 (1968): 186- 187. (Ivan Soldatenko. "The big wide world", a novel by Mikola Zarudny).
R303. Zbanats'kyi, Iurii. "My ne iz legendy: chast' tretia." Avtorizovannyi perevod s ukrainskogo A. Tonkelia. Zvezda. 2 (fevral' 1975): 101-118; 3 (mart 1975): 115-141l; 4 (aprel' 1975): 108-147.
R303.1 Soviet Literature. 4 (337) (1976); 188-189. (Yuri Smolich).
R304. Zbihlei, Iosyf. Vikna bez nizhnosti. Priashiv: 1969. 87 p.
R304.1 Books Abroad. 44.2 (Spring 1970): 334-335. (John Fizer).
R305. Zdanevych, Borys Ivanovych. Kataloh inkunabul. / AN Ukr.SSR. Tsentral'na naukova biblioteka. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1974. 248 p.
R305.1 Recenzija. 5.1 (Fall-Winter 1974): 38-44. (Frederick R. Gott).
R306. Zerov, Mykola. Lektsii z istorii ukrainskoi literatury, 1798-1870. Ed. by Dorren W. Gorsline and Oksana Solovey. Oakville, Ont.: Mosaic Press, 1977. 271 p.
R306.1 Canadian Slavonic Papers. 20.3 (September 1978): 454-455. (Walter Smyrniw).
R306.2 Forum. 37 (Fall 1977): 34. (Unsigned).
R306.3 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 4.1 (Spring 1979): unnumbered [i.e. p.135] [Annotation-Advertisement].
R306.4 Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies. 4.2 (Fall 1979): unnumbered [i.e.p.121]. [Annotation-Advertisement].
R306.5 Slavic Review. 38.2 (June 1979): 357. (Larissa M.L. Onyshkevych).
R307. Zerov, Mykola. Vybrane. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1966. 539 p.
R307.1 Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. 11.9 (September 1967): 17-18. [Excerpts. Ukrainian original in Literaturna Ukraina (4 August 1967): 3]. (Pavlo Movchan. "The plasticity and contours of Zerov's poetry. The Digest's title: "Zerov 'rejoins' Ukrainian literati - posthumously")
R308. Zhartivlyvi pisni rodynno-pobutovi. O.I. Dei et al., eds. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1967. 800 p. (Ukrains'ka narodna tvorchist')
R308.1 Slavic and East European Journal. 13.1 (Spring 1969): 104. (Tatiana Sklanczenko).
R309. Zinkewych, Osyp. Svitlychny and Dzyuba: Ukrainian Writers Under Fire. Baltimore: Smoloskyp, 1966. 52 p. illus., ports.
R309.1 Forum. 1.4 (Winter 1967/1968): 20. (Unsigned).
R309.2 Nashe zhyttia=Our Life. 25.2 (February 1968): 21. (Marty) [=Marta Tarnawsky].
R309.3 Ukrainian Quarterly. 23.4 (Winter 1967): 375-378 (Walter Dushnyck).
R310. Zvychaina, Olena. Voroh narodu. / Olena Zvychaina & Mykhailo Mlakovyi. London: Ukrainian Publishing, 1966. 2 parts (939 p.) Pt.1: Proty techii.Pt. 2: Planeta rabiv.
R310.1 Ukrainian Quarterly. 28.2 (Summer 1972): 193-195. (Ucrainicus).