Ukrainian Studies

Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Slavic 108Y, Elementary Ukrainian, 2012-2013

Class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Coordinator:Maxim Tarnawsky121 St. Joseph St. Alumni Hall 403 416 926-1300 x3338FAX 416-926-2076

Course Description

SLA 108, Elementary Ukrainian is an introductory level language course. The course is open to students with extremely little or no knowledge of the language. If you were born in Ukraine or you attended Saturday Ukrainian School courses in North America, you should normally enroll in a more advanced course. Intermediate Ukrainian is offered at the same time as this course (TR6-8). Students in both courses will be evaluated by their instructors in the first days of class and assigned to the appropriate level.

In SLA 108, students can expect to acquire only a minimal proficiency in speaking and understanding Ukrainian. The course focus is on the essential elements of grammar, providing a strong base for further study of the language. The goal of the course is to give students a strong command of the conjugation of verbs and the declension of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives (at least in the singular).

Students should be aware of the fact that Ukrainian, like all second languages, cannot be mastered without a considerable investment of time. Even a diligent student cannot expect to acquire real proficiency in spoken Ukrainian in a single year. Students should plan two or three years of courses followed by an extended stay in Ukraine.

Please note: This year, the course textbook will be changed. We will be using Yuri Shevchuk. Beginner's Ukrainian. New York: Hippocrene Books, 2011.
The web pages for this course that are tied to the previous textbook are, thus, outdated.
Please consult the web pages for the new textbook:

Graded course requirements
Item Due date Percent of Final Grade
Final Exam April 12 - 29, 2011     35%
Homework    weekly 30%
Mid Term Exam Dec. 7, 2010 20%
Quizes as scheduled 15%




The primary textbook is:
Assya Humesky. Modern Ukrainian. 3rd edition. Toronto - Edmonton. CIUS Press, 2001. ISBN 1-895571-29-4. $34.95

A dictionary is an essential tool in learning a language.
M.L. Podvesko & M.I. Balla English-Ukrainian Dictionary Toronto - Edmonton. CIUS Press, 1995. ISBN 0-920862-62-4
C. H. Andrusyshen, Ukrainian-English Dictionary. Toronto: Univ of Toronto Press, 1990. ISBN: 0802064213
These books are available at the University of Toronto Bookstore.

The textbook and English-Ukrainian Dictionary are also available from the campus office of CIUS Press. Call them before going to make a purchase, 416 978-6934. They're at 256 McCaul St. Rm 308 (across the street from the new examination centre.)

The language laboratory dialogues and drills correlated to the Humesky textbook are available for purchase from the Language Resource Center at the University of Michigan in CD format at this website: These are the same audio materials that are available on-line for students in SLA108 in our Language Lab. See below.

Supplemental materials also authored by Assya Humesky are available from the Ohio State University Foreign Language Publications office : Please note that that these supplemental materials are NOT required for SLA108. This link is for information only, it is not a suggestion that students should purchase these materials.



  • Ukrainian Language Learning Aids

    SLA 108 General Information Information on Other Courses
    Language lab Class Handouts Vocabulary list Other Ukrainian Courses Literature Courses Language Courses