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D.H. Struk Memorial Lecture

Danylo Husar Struk Programme in Ukrainian Literature

of the

Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies
University of Alberta

The Danylo Husar Struk Memorial Lecture


In memory of Danylo Husar Struk (1940-1999), the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies has established The Danylo Husar Struk Memorial Lecture as part of the Danylo Husar Struk Programme in Ukrainian Literature at the Toronto office of CIUS.
The 25th Anniversary Lecture entitled “Taras and Maxim: Digging the Well” was delivered on May 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM at the Old Mill, Toronto. See the poster here. Follow the audio and video links below to view and hear the lecture.


DateSpeakerLecture TitleAudio & Video*
June 2, 2000 Prof. Marko Pavlyshyn
Monash University, Melbourne
Re-Reading the Classics in a Post-Soviet World:
The Case of Ol'ha Kobylians'ka
Audio 55:08
May 11, 2001 Prof. George G. Grabowicz
Dmytro Chyzhevs'kyi Professor of Ukrainian Literature, Harvard University
Taras Shevchenko as a National Poet:
A comparison with Pushkin and Mickiewicz.
Audio 67:56
May 26, 2002 Prof. Oleh S. Ilnytzkyj
University of Alberta
Deconstructing Gogol's / Hohol's Two 'Souls' Audio 40:30
May 3, 2003Prof. Vitaly Chernetsky
Columbia University
Ukrainian Literature in the Age of Globalization: How Contemporary Authors Respond to the Changing World Audio 66:29
May 14, 2004Prof. Taras Koznarsky
University of Toronto
Kyiv through Myth and Imagination Audio 55:04
May 6, 2005Dr. Maria Rewakowicz
Neporany Fellow, Columbia University
Eros and Exile: Poetic Visions of the New York Group Audio 63:01
May 26, 2006Prof. Maxim Tarnawsky
University of Toronto
The Literary Fallout of Chornobyl

Audio 61:17

May 18, 2007Prof. Myroslav Shkandrij
University of Manitoba
Kyiv Under the German Occupation, 1941-1943: Dokia Humenna's Memoirs Audio 55:51
May 16, 2008Dr. Mark Andryczyk
Columbia University
New Images of the Intellectual in Post-Soviet Ukrainian Literature Audio 51:29
Video excerpt.
May 15, 2009 Dr. Tamara Hundorova
Academy of Sciences, Ukraine
Ukrainian Literary Populism Unveiled: The Question of Popular Literature

Video Tribute to Danylo Husar Struk on the 10th Anniversary of his passing
Television report on the Lecture and Reception on Omni TV's Ukrainian program 'Objektyv.'
Audio 58.53

Video excerpt.
June 4, 2010Prof. Natalia Pylypiuk
University of Alberta
Mystical Narcissism in the Poetry of Vasyl' Stus Audio 76:19
May 14, 2011 Dr. Marko R. Stech
Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies
York University, Toronto
Mykola Kulish and the Devil:
Exploring the Revolution as a Demonic Phenomenon
Audio 75:04
May 18, 2012 Prof. Valentyna Kharkhun
Mykola Hohol State University of Nizhyn
Depictions of WWII in Ukrainian Socialist Realist Literature (1941-1943) Audio 66:29
Video Presentation (Powerpoint slides)
April 26, 2013 Dr. Mykola Soroka
Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies
Between Homeland and Hostland: Volodymyr Vynnychenko as a Displaced Writer.
Lecture and book presentation: Faces of Displacement: The Writings of Volodymyr Vynnychenko.
Audio 61:44
May 3, 2014 Dr. Michael M. Naydan
Woskob Family Professor of Ukrainian Studies, Pennsylvania State University
Back to the Village: Folklore and Folk Beliefs in Contemporary Ukrainian Literature.
The event included a presentation of Prof. Naydan's newest anthology of translations: Herstories: An Anthology Of New Ukrainian Women Prose Writers.
Audio 59:44
Video excerpt
May 22, 2015 Prof. George Mihaychuk
Georgetown University
The Curse of the Province in Early 19th Century Ukrainian Literature.
Audio 54:09
Video excerpt
May 13, 2016 Mykola Riabchuk, Senior Research Fellow
Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, AoSU

Fulbright Research Fellow, George Washington Univ.
Literary Criticism as Sacrilege: Turning the Iconostasis into a National Canon Audio 43:30
April 3, 2017 Olha Luchuk, Associate Professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
Faculty of International Relations,
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
CIUS John Kolasky Fellow, 2017.
A Ukrainian Animal Farm: Translating George Orwell Audio 1:04:17
May 3, 2018 Serhy Yekelchyk,
Professor of History and Slavic Studies University of Victoria.
The Last Debate with Stalin: Ukrainian Writers in Moscow, 1929 Audio 59:56
May 1, 2019 Oksana Lutsyshyna
Slavic and Eurasian Studies
University of Texas at Austin
A Flâneur in Pidmohylny's City Audio 52:17
D.H. Struk Tribute
May 6, 2021 Rory Finnin,
University Senior Lecturer in Ukrainian Studies University of Cambridge, UK.
VUFKU and Vyshnia: Exploring Cultural Synergies in the 1920s Video YouTube Facebook
June 14, 2022 Oleksandr Averbuch
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta.
Ahatanhel Krymskyi's Transgressions: Gender, Language, National Identity   Audio
May 12, 2023
3:00 PM
Prof. Olena Haleta,
Lviv University &
Ukrainian Catholic University
Visiting Prof. Harvard University
To Be (With) the Other: Sophia Yablonska's Travelogues as Modernist Auto-narrative Video on YouTube
Video on Facebook
May 10, 2024
7:00 PM
Prof. Maxim Tarnawsky
Professor, University of Toronto
Taras and Maxim: Digging the Well       poster Audio
Video: Introduction
and lecture. Slides.


* These audio and video recordings of the lectures are made with simple recorders placed in front of the speakers. The quality is not ideal and there are portions of some of the earlier lectures that may not be recorded when the media in the recorder needed replacement.



D.H. Struk Memorial Lecture Electronic library of Ukrainian Literature Ukrainian Studies at the University of Toronto