Ukrainian Studies

Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Slavic 1405Y, Experiments in Ukrainian Prose

Instructor:Maxim Tarnawsky121 St. Joseph St. Alumni Hall 403 416-926-1300 x3338FAX 416-926-2076

Course Description

SLA1405Y offers a general survey of the Ukrainian novel through reading of selected works. Works are chosen for the course on the basis of their real or perceived novelty and experimental qualities at the time of their composition. Thus, the course surveys unnusual works that challenge and depart from the accepted norms of their times. The course covers the period from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the present.

Graded course requirements
Item Due date
Paper, 15-20 pgs.  End of 1st term 
Paper, 20-25 pgs.  End of 2nd term 
Journal of responses, insights, notes etc.  Monthly

SLA 1405 Information Information on Other Courses
About SLA 1405 Class Schedule Reading list Other Ukrainian Courses Literature Courses Language Courses