Ukrainian Literature, A Journal of Translations Shevchenko Scientific Society of Canada

Заклик по-українському

Attention translators!

Call for submissions.

This is a call for submissions to our journal, entitled Ukrainian Literature. Ukrainian Literature is an ongoing publication, appearing at two- or three-year intervals dedicated to presenting works of Ukrainian literature in English translation. Ukrainian Literature will be published in both an Internet and in a print edition. The publisher of Ukrainian Literature is the Shevchenko Scientific Society of Canada, 516 The Kingsway, Toronto, ON M9A 3W6 Canada. The editorial board of Ukrainian Literature consists of Maxim Tarnawsky (editor), Taras Koznarsky, Michael M. Naydan, Askold Melnyczuk, and Marko Pavlyshyn.

The editor invites translators to submit their works for consideration in our publication.

Submissions will be evaluated by the editor. Translators will be paid at a rate of CAD$ 30 per page after their submissions are accepted.

Submissions must be previously unpublished original translations, preferably of works that have not yet been translated. Translators are encouraged to discuss their submissions with the editor before submitting. Submissions must be made in electronic form using standard formats (MS Word is the preferred format).

The editor will consider translations of any work of Ukrainian literature but particularly encourages translators to consider works of contemporary prose authors in Ukraine. Submissions of long works are encouraged. Translations of particularly lengthy works will either be excerpted or serialized in the publication. Translators are encouraged to arrange for translation rights before submitting but we will happily to this if the translator has not. The editor will negotiate translation rights with authors after a submission is accepted.

Submissions should always include complete bibliographic information about the original Ukrainian work that is translated in the submission.

Submissions, inquiries, and all other correspondence regarding Ukrainian Literature should be sent by email to the editor, Maxim Tarnawsky, The editor can also be reached by regular mail at this address:

Maxim Tarnawsky
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
121 St Joseph Street
University of Toronto
Toronto ON M5S 1J4 (M5S 3C2 for couriers)

Additional information for translators.

Translators will retain all rights to re-publish their work in other publications. Ukrainian Literature will purchase one-time-only rights to an internet and a print editon. The editor of Ukrainian Literature encourages translators to consider book length projects, even if only an excerpt is included in Ukrainian Literature. We sincerely hope that our publication will stimulate both translators and publishers.

When transliterating Ukrainian words into English, translators should abide by a simplified Library of Congress transliteration. The guide presented in these tables should be followed. It is acceptable to drop soft signs (miakyi znak) in transliteration, and to simplify surnames ending in "skyi" to "sky." For example, Nechui-Levyts'kyi can be Nechui-Levytskyi or Nechui-Levytsky. Please use Kyiv, rather than Kiev, Kyyiv, Kieff, or any other form.

Please use minimal formatting in your submission. Do not change fonts or their size unless the original text requires special typographic treatment.

Before choosing a work for translation, please check if a previous translation of this work already exists. There are two bibliographies of Ukrainian literary translations. The first, by Marta Tarnawsky, entitled Ukrainian Literature in English is published as four research reports by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press. Further installments have appeared in journals. The entire bibliography is available on the internet, just follow the links below. Remeber, you must check in all the separate sections of the bibliography (pre-65 books, pre-65 articles, 1980-90, 1965-1979, and 2000- ) separately. They are not cross-indexed.

The simplest way to search for an existing translation is to use this tool to scan all the pages of Ukrainian Literature in English. The search will produce links to web pages that you must then open to find your search item. If your search does not produce a result, that does not mean that no such translation exists. The particular work you seek may have a different name or it may have been published in years not covered by this bibliography. Here is the search tool:


ELUL logo, small Search Ukrainian Literature in English


The other bibliography of Ukrainian literary translations is Oksana Piaseckyj, Bibliography of Ukrainain Literature in English and French: Translations and Critical Works (1950 - 1986). Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1989. ISBN 0-7766-0264-0.