Ukrainian Studies

Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

SLA238S, Literature of the Ukrainian Canadian Experience, 1998-1999

Instructor:Maxim Tarnawsky21 Sussex AvenueRm 212 978-8240FAX 978-2672

Slavic 238 offers a survey of Canadian literature reflecting or depicting the experience or perceptions of Ukrainians in Canada from the earliest settlers to the present. The readings in the course consist of a selection of literary texts in which Ukrainians in Canada are depicted. The works are examined from historical, sociological, political, and aesthetic perspectives. Texts include works originally written in English, French and Ukrainian but all readings are in English. Among the works studied are: Ralph Connor's The Foreigner, Illja Kirjak's Sons of the Soil, Margaret Laurence's A Jest of God, George Ryga's A Letter to My Son, Ted Galay's After Baba's Funeral, and Andrew Suknaski's In the Name of Narid.

Prerequisite: none

Workload: Students are required to take a final exam, to write an end-of-term paper (10-12 pages) and a mid-term assignment (5-7 pages), and to make a brief (10-15 minutes) oral presentation in class.

Slavic 238 is offered in the spring term every two years. It will be offerd in the spring term of the 1998-99 academic year.

Graded course requirements:
Final Exam April 19 - May 7, 1999 30%
Term Paper, 12-15pgs. April 6, 1999 30%
Term test February 23, 1999 30%
Class Presentation as scheduled 10%

Term papers are due at the penultimate class, Tuesday, April 6, 1999, in class. Late papers will be penalized three percentage points for every day they are late up to April 9, 1999. No paper will be accepted after the last day of classes in the semester. Papers are to be 12-15 pages, typed, double spaced, and in English. Papers are to be written on topics approved by the instructor.

Class Presentations are oral reports before the class on works other than those read by the class as a whole. Students must choose a work of literature from the list of suggested readings. Students are to give an oral presentation of from ten to fifteen minutes. Presentations should be constructed as a general overview of the work and its author along with a subjective evaluation of the most salient features of the work. Presentations are scheduled on a first come first served basis within normal class meetings. No more than two presentations per class meeting. Email the instructor to reserve a date.

Students are invited to read Prof. Tarnawsky's paper comparing Janice Kulyk Keefer's The Green Library and Askold Melnyczuk's What is Told.

A schedule and list of requirements will be posted shortly.
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About SLA 238Class ScheduleReading list Other Ukrainian CoursesLiterature CoursesLanguage Courses
Last updated October 29, 1998