Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
SLA228H1, Spring Semester, 20th Century Ukrainian Fiction in Translation, 2021
Class meeets on Wednesdays from 1:00 to 3:00 PM
Schedule of Presentations
Class Presentations are oral reports before the class on works other than those read by the class as a whole. Students must choose a work of literature from the >list of suggested readings below or they may suggest a work themselves. If you read Ukrainian, you may choose a work that you will read in the original. There is no advantage given to students who read Ukrainian, but their choice of books to read is wider because many works are not available in translation. Students are to give an oral presentation of from ten to fifteen minutes. Presentations should be constructed as a general overview of the work and its author along with a subjective evaluation of the most salient features of the work. Presentations are scheduled on a first come first served basis within normal class meetings. No more than two presentations per class meeting. Email the instructor to reserve a date.
Schedule of Reports
| | | |
| 7 | Not available for reports. |
| 14 | Not available for reports. |
| 21 |
| 28 |
Feb | 4 |
| 11 |
| 18 | Not available for reports. |
| 25 |
Mar | 4 |
| 11 |
18 |
25 |
Apr | 6 | Not available for reports.
Topics for presentations
- Novels:
- Borys Antonenko-Davydovych. Duel. *
- Borys Antonenko-Davydovych. Behind the Curtain. PG3948 .A63 Z213
- Volodimir Drozd. The Road to Mother. PG3949.14 .R68 D613 1987
- Alexander Gonchar. Standard-Bearers. LU H7696zn .Ej [Note: old classification]
- Oles Gonchar. The Cyclone. Not available at Robarts.
- Oles' Honchar. The Cathedral. Trans. Yuri Tkach and Leonid Rudnytzky. Philadelphia: St. Sophia Religious Association of Ukrainian Catholics, 1989. 0-88054-157-1. * PG3948.25 .H63 S613 1989 SMC
- Oles Gonchar. The Shore of Love. PG 3948 .H63B413 ROBA 1
- Volodymyr Gzhytsky. Night and Day. PG3948 .H93 N513 1988
- Volodimir Malik. The Cossack Ambassador. PG3949.23 .A57 P613 1985
- Dmitro Mishchenko. The Siverianians. Not available at Robarts.
- Yuri Mushketik. Cruel Mercy. PG 3948 .M76Z313 1986
- Rostislav Sambuk. The Jeweler From Capuchins Street. PG3949.29 .A4 I813 1982
- Vasyl Shevchuk. Blood Brothers. PG3949.29 .H48 P6513
- Yuriy Shcherbak. Chernobyl. TK1362 .S65 S47 1989 Engineering & Computer Science Library (not Robarts)
- Vadym Sobko. Guarantee of Peace. PG3948 .S623713 1951
- Zinaida Tulub. The Exile. Not available at Robarts.
- Volodimir Vladko Descendants of the Scythians. PG3948 .V49 N313 1986
- Pavlo Zagrebelny. From the Point of View of Eternity. Not available at Robarts.
- Yuri Yanovsky. The Horsemen. PG3948 .I3 V413 1987
- Vasil Zemlyak. Green Mills. Or large print version. Not available at Robarts.
- Short Stories:
- Anatol Dimarov. Across the Bridge. PG3949 .I45 C413
- Anatol Dimarov. A Hunger Most Cruel. PG3940 .D56 2002
- Arkhip Teslenko. Stories. PG3948 .T43 O7 1981
- Oles Berdnyk. Apostle of Immortality.
- Oless Gonchar. Short Stories. PG3948 .H63 A26
- Hryhir Tyutyunnyk. Cool Mint. PG3949.3 .I85 K513 1986
- Andriy Holovko. The Red Kerchief. PG3948 .H6 C413
- Soviet Ukrainian Short Stories. * PG3986 .E8 S68 1983
- Before the Storm. * PG3986 .E8 B44 1986
- Valor. PG3986 .E8 V34
- From Three Worlds. * PG3931 .F713 199 and also PG3931 .F765 1996 SMC