Ukrainian Studies

Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Slavic 218Y, Ukrainian Literature and Culture, 2013–2014

Class meets Tuesdays 2:00–4:00 PM in Alunmni Hall Rm 206

Instructor:Maxim Tarnawsky121 St. Joseph St. Alumni Hall 403 416 926-1300 x3338FAX 416-926-2076

Class Schedule - Fall Semester
Wk # Date Class Topic
1Sept 10 Introduction. Kyivan Rus'. Religious literature. Byzantium
2Sept 17 Kyivan Rus'. Chronicles. Ihor's Tale. Renaissance and Reformation
3Sept 24 Revolution in the 17th Century
4Oct 1 Skovoroda and Prokopovych
5Oct 8 Nikolai Gogol
6Oct 15 Ukrainian Romantic revival
7Oct 22 Taras Shevchenko
8Oct 29 After Shevchenko
9Nov 5 Kulish. The Black Council
10Nov 19 Realism
11Nov 26 Ivan Nechui Levytskyi
12Dec 3 Western Ukraine

SLA 218Y InformationAbout SLA 218Y
Fall:Fall Class ScheduleFall AssignmentsFall Reading list
Spring:Spring Class ScheduleSpring AssignmentsSpring Reading list

Information on Other Courses
Other Ukrainian CoursesLiterature CoursesLanguage Courses