University of Toronto
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Fall 1999

SLA 438F: Style and Structure of Ukrainian

(Section L0101) TWR 9; Sidney Smith Hall 2115

Office Hours: TBA

Reading Materials

Shevelov, George Y. 1993. "Ukrainian." In: The Slavonic Languages. Bernard Comrie and Greville G. Corbett. eds., p. 947-998.

There will be several additional articles on various topics of Ukrainian linguistics.

You will charged a nominal fee of $10.00 to cover the departmental cost of xeroxing. This amount is due at the beginning of the fall term. Any difference (either over or underpaid) will be taken care of at the end of the term.


Beginning with an overview of the synchronic structure of Ukrainian (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax), the course introduces various styles of contemporary Ukrainian. Emphasis is on the practical usage of the features of various styles. The course also includes a look at a number of sociolinguistic questions: dialects, jargons, slang, as well as the language situation in contemporary Ukraine.


Like instructors, students are required to attend classes regularly and to arrive on time and prepared. Attendance will be taken at every class meeting. Unexcused absences will adversely affect the student's grade. More than ten absences is grounds for failing the course.

Exams, Student Presentations and Grading

The final course grade is determined as follows:


Students are encouraged to consult with the instructor about any questions or problems with the course. Do not hesitate to ask your instructor for help as soon as there is a problem.

Good Luck!!!
Information on Other Courses
Other Ukrainian CoursesLiterature CoursesLanguage Courses

LAST UPDATED: February 8, 1999