Ukrainian Studies

University of Toronto

Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Awards and Scholarships in Ukrainian Studies

These awards were once available but only some of them are still active.

In the past, donors gave money to the University for student awards and accepted the University terms that would increase the award's value but limit the pool of eligible candidates to residents of Ontario and citizens of Canada. The university and the province now very actively enforce these rules. This has effectively wiped out most of our candidates for awards and many of these awards are now anachronisms that will never benefit any students in Ukrainian studies at the University.

Students interested in these awards should contact the undergraduate and graduate coordinators in the department to see which awards are still viable.

Donors interested in creating student awards should be very, VERY cautious in their negotiations with the University development office. The best idea is to contact members of the department to discuss what is possible.

Most of the information below is no longer true. It is posted here to reflect what was once possible.

Students in any undergraduate or graduate course in Ukrainian studies in the Slavic Department are eligible (with certain restrictions) for the following awards. Please note, these awards are for students enrolled in Ukrainian courses at the University of Toronto. Students from other universities, or those not enrolled in a Ukrainian course are NOT eligible (except for the CFUS President's Memorial Scholarship). The awards are grouped into two categories, those that do NOT require an application and those the DO require one. For those awards that do not require an application, recipients are chosen from among those students enrolled in Ukrainian courses. There is no application procedure for these awards. Where an application is required, instructions are provided.

Prospective students are not eligible for the awards listed on this page. Students who wish to apply for graduate or undergraduate study at the University of Toronto should consult the University's web pages on Financial policies: Financial Support for Graduate Students or Financing your undergraduate education. International students, particularly those from Ukraine, should consult the specific information the university provides for them: International Student Center. Please note that the University's policy of minimum funding for Graduate Students makes the prospect of studying at the University of Toronto a very real possibility for citizens of Ukraine. Our current students are proof that such a step is not only possible, but eminently realizable and beneficial to both the student and our department.

Many of the awards listed on this page require the student to qualify under the Ontario government's rules for student financial aid. These rules specifically exclude all non-residents of Ontario, therefore they exclude, among others, all students from Ukraine. The Ukranian programme in the Slavic Department is sincerely grateful to the members of the Ukrainian community whose generosity has made these awards and scholarships possible and we hope they inspire others to do the same. But we urge anyone who wishes to establish further awards to speak to one of the members of our department BEFORE making a donation. We can help identify the real needs of students and thus avoid awards that will end up going unused, or used for purposes that are not consistent with the donor's intentions.

Additional information on scholarships and financial assistance:

For more information, contact one of the Ukrainian instructors:

Maxim Tarnawsky Taras Koznarsky
Alumni Hall, Rm 403Alumni Hall, Rm 417
416-926-1300 x3338 416-926-1300 x3236