Ukrainian Studies

Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

SLA429S / SLA1408S, Taras Shevchenko, 2008-09

Class meets in AH 204, Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:00 PM

Instructor:Maxim Tarnawsky121 St. Joseph St. Alumni Hall 403 416 926-1300 x3338FAX 416-926-2076

Student reports

Each student must read one of the titles listed below and prepare (and deliver) an oral presentation of 10 - 15 minutes summarizing the argument and evaluating the ideas presented in the book. Where two students give a joint presentation, the presentation should be longer (20-25 minutes) and both students must make oral presentations. You may divide these joint presentations by sections of the book, by themes, by summary and conclusions, or however you deem appropriate.


17. George Grabowicz. The Poet as Mythmaker. PG 3948 .S5Z646 ROBA 1
Tatiana Bendz
Katarina Ljahovic

19. George Luckyj. Between Gogol and Shevchenko. PG 3916 .L7784 ROBA 1
Zenon Ciz
Markian Grod

24. Леонід Плющ. Екзод Тараса Шевченка. PG 3948 .S5M664 1986 ROBA 1
"Shevchenko and Religion." Dmytro Chyzhevsky
Katerina Huk

26. Михайло Драгоманов. "Шевченко, українофіли, і соціалізм"
"Muzhik Philosophy." Andrii Richytsky
Tanya Faseruk

31. Olya Rashkevych. Маріетта Шагиніян. [Marietta Shaginian] Тарас Шевченко.


2. Nadia Gereliouk. Оксана Забужко. Шевченків міф України.



You may choose texts from those listed below or from those listed at the bottom of the assignments web-page.


Оксана Забужко. Шевченків міф України. PG 3948 .S51Z25 1997X

Єжі Єнджеєвич. [Jerzy Jedrzejewicz] Українські ночі, або Родовід генія PG 3948 .S51J419

Іван Дзюба. У всякого своя доля. PG 3948 .S51D95 1989 ROBA 1

Shevchenko and the Critics, ed. George Luckyj. PG 3948 S51S4846 (Selected essays).

Маріетта Шагиніян. [Marietta Shaginian] Тарас Шевченко. PG 3948 .S51S4818 ROBA 1

SLA 429F Course Information About SLA 429
Class Schedule Assignments Shevchenko's self portraits.

Information on Other Courses
Other Ukrainian Courses Literature Courses Language Courses